The Geography of Now Autumn 2010

The Geography of Now cover


The Lay of Our Land

by Mark Phillips

This corner of America has been formed by the conflicting tides of wilderness, industry and agriculture. The tug-o’-war persists today, shaping an uneasy 21st-century world haunted by omens of vexing change.
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Troubled Waters

by Michelle Krupa ’00

A spewing river of oil ravages Gulf Coast life and livelihoods. And no one knows how the epic struggle will go.
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Sludge in a Notre Dame viewfinder

Winds of Change

by Paul Higbee ’90MCA

Howard, South Dakota, was threatening to disappear from the Miner County landscape — until a returning troublemaker and the county’s 2,800 residents transformed the dying community in a movement that just might be national in scope.
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Winter Keep

by John Christopher Fine ’67J.D.

Helping a herd of mustangs survive the brutal season also meant preserving a vital element of the American spirit.
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Bringing Back the Big Bang

by Don Lincoln

“The scientific goal of the Large Hadron Collider research program is no less than to understand the nature and origin of the universe itself.”
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Holy Week in Tequepexpan

by Joseph Corpora, CSC, ’76, ’83M.Div.

When a priest heads to a remote Mexican village for Easter, he discovers a people whose embrace is warm and a world full of unexpected trouble and grace.
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