Molarity Classic: 329-333

Author: Michael Molinelli '82

Social protest can have unintended consequences. What would we do without Mary?


329. The Observer was filled with stories and opinion pieces about the University treating students like children by restricting kegs at tailgaters and coed hotel rooms at the Senior Formal in Chicago. There were also articles and opinion pieces regarding the surge of off-campus crime.


330. Margie Brassil’s opinion piece in this September 1980 edition of The Observer commented on the proposal to reinstitute the draft and on conscientious objection. The article ended noting, “No, we are not faced with war yet. But with the present condition in the Mid-East, and last year’s Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and the Iranians still holding our people hostage — war might not be all that far off.”


331. An article buried inside the paper notes that students can now use dial-up service to log in to a computer in another library to do research. A session would cost about $15. The system was devised by Lockheed Corporation.


332. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Except this cartoon does have caricatures of Father Hesburgh and Mark Rust ’81, who was managing editor of The Observer at the time. The event is fictional as far as I know. Mark is currently the managing partner at Barnes and Thornburg in Chicago.


333. The paper reported that the Director of Campus Ministry, Father Bill Toohey, CSC, ’52 fell unconscious during a staff meeting. He was immediately admitted to Saint Joseph Hospital and remained there for 12 days before he died of encephalitis.

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