Molarity Classic: 155-159

Author: Michael Molinelli '82

Strips 155-159 of Molarity discuss mostly girls and spring break. Sounds like a good time to us.


155. Shelly was a name taken from a character in Animal House. There was a pretty, female Domer who looked like her and separate groups of girl-watching guys on the North Quad nicknamed her that. Puerile behavior? Of course! The cover of The Observer has the new SMC student government ticket including Pia Trigiani, sister of acclaimed author and SMC alumna, Adriana Trigiani.

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156. In the early years Mitch was dating both Brenda and Cheryl. In The Observer, the Billy Joel concert was advertised for $8.50 and $10. Stanford Hall claimed its third interhall hockey championship. When I try to explain Notre Dame to people, I always point to the advanced level of interhall sports.

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157. In the last cartoon before spring break, I played a bit with the sacred leprechaun. I never did this again, but I am not sure why. By the way, this cartoon was printed in the wrong order. The Noddy cartoon appearing on the same day featured a cat-student cursing at his beer can — abusing alcohol.

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158. In the first cartoon after spring break, I made fun of the students who flaunted their Florida escapades, probably out of jealousy. The sports headline in The Observer noted that Michigan State, led by Magic Johnson, claimed the NCAA 1979 basketball title over Indiana State by “caging” Larry Bird.

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159. I guess this carton shows that I have always been against quotas. The Observer continued to run a four-part series written by an openly gay student. According to this article the definition of “gay” was “an acknowledged sexual orientation that is not limited by gender.” The campus-wide Nestle boycott went into effect so there was temporarily no hot chocolate or iced tea in the dining halls.

See the first five classic strips. Check back monthly for more classic Molarity strips. Molarity Redux, the updated, continuing adventures of Jim Mole and friends, also is posted monthly. For those new strips, check out the cartoon archives.