What Am I Doing Here Spring 2007

What Am I Doing Here cover


What Am I Doing Here?

by Nicholas Ayo, CSC, ’€™56, €’62M.A.

The Stories That Save Us

by Brian Doyle ’€™78

A Tyrant on Trial

by Evan Maher ’€™03

Called to Ground Zero

by Patrick Burns ’€™86

Made in China

by Jian Yi ’98M.A.

We Might Get Arrested

by Bill McKibben

Part of a Larger Purpose

by Paul Kollman, CSC, ’€™84, ’90M.Div.

Traveling Mercies

by Mike Carroll ’68

My Walk into History

by Sonnie Wellington Hereford IV ’€™79

Missing in Action

by Lawrence A. Clayton

At Home in the World

by Gita Pullapilly ’€™99

Daniela Papi Bikes Cambodia

by John Monczunski

Because Peter Is Here

by Christopher H. Nalty ’84

John Crowley Takes Matters into His Own Hands

by John Monczunski

Only My Feet Are Numb

by Meg Towle ’€™07

Getting Here

by Jake Page

I Just Knew It Was Funny

by Owen Smith ’€™95

Looking for the Next Big Thing

by Dale Keiger

Why Notre Dame?

by Brad Gregory

The Amazing World of Vittorio Hösle

by John Monczunski

Web extra

Musings of a Mormon

by Alonzo L. Gaskill ’95M.A.

Working Hard for a Living

by Hannah Storm ’83

University News

A Partnership With the Poor

Millennium goals

Seen and heard on campus
Letter from campus: Happy 90th, Father Hesburgh
ND ASK: Student coalition targets Indiana’s death row
Scrabble Club channels a passion
Student film lampoons Roseland politics
Hall portrait: Pasquerilla East
Student health facilities, image, catch up with quality of care
Prayercasts package ND spirituality
Deaths in the Family


Letters to the editor

Cafe Arts

Pirates and Wookies and Orcs, Oh My
Books and music by ND people
Web extra: Books in brief
Picks of the week

Alumni Affairs

Domers in the News
Alumni briefs

Bonus copy: Reflections

They traveled to Notre Dame from such women’s colleges as Rosary, Mundelein and Barat for proms, parties and pep rallies. Shelia Sullivan McIntyre, a 1958 graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, was one of them, and she tells the story of the long commute, blind dates and magical moments of those ND campus visits in The Girls of Autumn.

In The Brusque and the Bountiful, Bernadette Shilts Curry ’€™90 writes about her emotional visit to campus and the act of generosity that restored her faith in the Notre Dame family.

John Marszalek ’€™63M.A., ’€™68Ph.D., recalls how a football weekend visit to campus with his grandson really did offer One Shimmering Saturday.

Another alum, Paul H. McCauley, M.D., ’66, who visited campus for a seminar, shares his story of a chance meeting at the Grotto in Who Was He?


Leonard Will Go Home

by Melissa Musick Nussbaum

My Enemy Within

by Stephen W. Kelley ’86

Holy Water

by Douglas Stephen Curran ’00MFA

The Prayers of Profoundly Perfect Goofballs

by%Ed Stubbing ’€™64%

My Blooming Bed of Conflict

by Anne Trubek