Molarity Classic: 535-539

Author: Michael Molinelli '82

Is it easier for a young graduate to pass through the eye of the needle, or the admissions process to medical school?


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535. A news brief in The Observer noted that a Polish director, Kasimierz Braun, who was supposed to direct a Shakespearean comedy at Notre Dame would not be able to leave Poland due to the Soviet Union imposing martial law. The USSR, through their Polish puppets, were cracking down on the Solidarity movement headed by Lech Walesa. In response, the theater students and faculty were planning a protest.


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536. An Associated Press story on the front page noted that, due to Reagan administration budget cuts, the federal government would no longer publish the yearbook for the Bureau of Land Management in Wyoming, the Agriculture Department’s recipe book or the magazine of the Bureau of Standards. 


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537. Dion has made only two appearances and a third off-panel reference in Molarity since the college days. There has been no reference to his medical degree. He is generally considered a very wealthy industrialist. 


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538. This is one of my favorite cartoons.


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539. This caricature was based on the architecture librarian at the time.


See the first five classic strips. Buy the book with all 581 original cartoons: MOLARITY: The Compleat Molarity is available at the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore and Check back monthly for more classic Molarity strips. Molarity Redux, the updated, continuing adventures of Jim Mole and friends, also is posted monthly. For those new strips, check out the cartoon archives.