Molarity Classic: 560-564

Author: Michael Molinelli '82

One can never be too quick to form opinions. 

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560. Based on an actual conversation. Meanwhile, Oscar winners in 1982 included Chariots of Fire for best picture and Katherine Hepburn and Henry Fonda for best actress and actor in On Golden Pond, which Eddie Murphy spoofed in a Saturday Night Live bit called “On Goldie Hawn.”


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561. In the news, the newly reformed Notre Dame club rugby team played its first games after the club’s suspension for “elephant walking” in local bars after games.


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562. This series on paid players went nowhere. It appeared in The Observer’s April Fools “Absurder” edition, which featured plenty of more biting humor. In the paper’s authentic news content, Father Hesburgh said the elections in El Salvador were fair, but that the nation’s United States-backed Christian Democrats, headed by Jose Napoleon Duarte ’48, were trying to cobble together a coalition to maintain power. 


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563. Father Robert Griffin’s column in this edition featured what seem to have been his favorite Domers, Jeannie and Nickie. Griff celebrated their wedding Mass among many others. My future wife and I had a firm relationship with another priest, so we did not ask Griff to preside at our wedding. At the lunch where I introduced her, Griff went about describing all the Domers he knew who had not asked him to perform the ceremony and how each engagement ended in various tragic ways. Gina is still my wife after 23 years and three children. I guess we survived the curse.


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564. Bruce Oakley ’80, a professional systems manager, wrote an article about The Observer’s shift to computerized typesetting. Indeed, reporters were now writing stories on CRT screens, but all the fonts, punctuation, indents, etc., had to be coded as series of instructional commands. Still, it was a vast improvement. The real downside was that the computer, about the size of a washing machine, had storage problems. Too many of us were using Observer computers to write papers for our classes.  


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