Molarity Classic: 565-568

Author: Michael Molinelli '82

Commencement 2019 is set for May 19. Only 90 more days (and counting) of senior angst to go.


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565. Jim is aligned with the other seniors considering what to do after graduation during the recession of 1981-82.


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566. This was the last Molarity cartoon before the Easter break. Barbara Bush, the second lady of the United States (and future first lady to one president and mother to another) spoke on campus about her campaign to promote literacy.


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567. Concern about off-campus crime prompted Joe Skaja ’82 to take in a dog name Leo, who Skaja claimed in an Observer story had prevented three crimes at his home. In other news, Jeff MacNelly, the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist, was returning from a long hiatus, during which he had concentrated on his cartoon strip, Shoe.


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568. Occasionally I have observations and life goals that are not funny unless Chuck says them.


See the first five classic strips. Buy the book with all 581 original cartoons: MOLARITY: The Compleat Molarity is available at the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore and Check back monthly for more classic Molarity strips. Molarity Redux, the updated, continuing adventures of Jim Mole and friends, also is posted monthly. For those new strips, check out the cartoon archives