Easy reading

Author: Notre Dame Magazine staff

Maraya Steadman, author of The Playroom columns, is taking a well-earned late summer break from writing. We miss her already, but she promises she’ll be back soon with more to say about the singular art of parenting.

In the meantime, we still have plenty of columns to capture your attention.

See the latest from:

Mike Garvey

Michael Garvey on A worthwhile reprimand

Tara Hunt

ND student Tara Hunt on the Notre Dame love story

Carol Schaal

Carol Schaal on The missing funeral

Jason Kelly

Jason Kelly on Excuses, excuses

Charles Wilber

Charles K. Wilber on Averting the next too-big-to-fail bank crisis

Jim Mole

Michael Molinelli’s fabulously funny Molarity cartoons

Maraya Steadman

And, from last year, to help with your Maraya Steadman withdrawal symptoms, The mommy project