Molarity Classic: 165-169

Author: Michael Molinelli '82

A healthy marriage is based on love and parietals.

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165. This is my alumni couple making their last appearance in the regular strips — I believe. They show up again in the Notre Dame Magazine edition of Molarity — Domer Something (Winter 89-90) which you can read on Jim Mole’s Facebook page. A record album advertisement for the Hammes Bookstore listed Supertramp’s Breakfast in America and Peaches and Herb 2 Hot.

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166. The four part series on gay life at Notre Dame sparked a lot of long letters to the editors. Elsewhere in the Observer on this day the Bookstore Basketball Tournament expanded from 256 teams to 320 teams. Meanwhile, the University was defending itself against an age discrimination case because of its mandatory Professor Emeritus status given to all professors when they reached 65 years old.

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167. The Observer Features section included an apology for a column called “The Talking Head.” “Due to an editing error, this column contained statements which were libelous to the residents of Howard Hall.”

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168. Some cartoons you do were invisible when you did them and are invisible 30 years later. Bookstore Basketball began.

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169. The Observer featured an article on Rick Pullano ’79 who was the first ND player since 1904 to captain the baseball team and earn the MVP in consecutive years. His career average at Notre Dame was .338 and struck out just three times his junior year.

See the first five classic strips. Check back monthly for more classic Molarity strips. Molarity Redux, the updated, continuing adventures of Jim Mole and friends, also is posted monthly. For those new strips, check out the cartoon archives.