Molarity Classic: 191-195

Author: Michael Molinelli '82

The mayhem from abroad continues.

Molarity Redux, strip 191

191. Paris brings out the romance in everyone…well, as much as your average male Domer can understand romance.

Molarity Redux, strip 192

192. Meanwhile back in South Bend, the back and forth, he-said she-said dynamic between Mitch and Cheryl emerges.

Molarity Redux, strip 193

193. Okay, all the cartoons cannot be a “Come Lay With Me You Feisty Wench.” I thought this idea had some humorous potential. I was wrong.

Molarity Redux, strip 194

194. This was one of the few times I broke the 4 panel format. This really was a post card from me to all of Notre Dame. But actually, we did not have a TV in the Notre Dame program based in the Albergo Lunetta. The Saint Mary’s program in the Hotel Tiziano had more TV access.

Molarity Redux, strip 195

195. Food jokes are always relevant.

See the first five classic strips. Check back monthly for more classic Molarity strips. Molarity Redux, the updated, continuing adventures of Jim Mole and friends, also is posted monthly. For those new strips, check out the cartoon archives.