
  • Matt Cashore

    Contributing Photographer
    1994 ND bachelor’s degree

    Matt Cashore first picked up a camera to fulfill a high school fine-arts requirement, and he’s never been the same since. He first darkened the door of Notre Dame Magazine while still a student. Working with the magazine has allowed him to see campus from the steam tunnels underground to hanging out of a helicopter 300 feet over the Golden Dome. Some of his favorite magazine assignments have taken him on adventures to see the Notre Dame community at work in the wider world. He worked with Kerry Temple in 2007 on the book Celebrating Notre Dame.

  • Julie Ettl

    Business Manager

    After 15 years in New York publishing with Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., Julie Ettl found herself on a sailboat on Lake Michigan and is now a landlubber who has successfully navigated 26 years at Notre Dame Magazine. As business manager, she takes on the general mechanics of the magazine’s operation, from monitoring the budget to fundraising, from proofreading to serving as liaison with printers, from poster sales to rights and permissions to overseeing distribution and other circulation tasks. She still describes herself as a classic New York woman who loves the classics: Anna Karenina, Bach’s Brandenburg concertos, Mom’s strand of pearls, a good Chardonnay and, of course, Cary Grant.

  • Margaret Fosmoe

    Associate Editor
    1985 ND bachelor’s degree

    Margaret Fosmoe joined Notre Dame Magazine as an associate editor in 2019 after a previous career as a daily newspaper reporter. She earned her degree in English and American studies, which turned out to be good training for a writing career. A former resident of Pasquerilla West, she feels right at home back on Mod Quad after all these years.

  • Barbara Johnston

    Contributing Photographer

    Barbara Johnston is a former photographer for The Philadelphia Inquirer who joined the University of Notre Dame in 2011. The veteran photojournalist’s work has appeared in The Washington Post, The New York Times, ESPN Magazine and The Los Angeles Times. She has been assigned to national and international assignments, including 2006 Winter Olympics, Kentucky Derby and two World Series. She has no fear of heights and has found herself perched on cranes here on campus and on scaffold atop skyscrapers in downtown Philadelphia.

  • Jason Kelly

    1995 ND bachelor’s degree

    Jason Kelly joined Notre Dame Magazine as an associate editor in 2015, having been away from the University long enough for his performance as an English student to be forgotten. In his first weeks on the job, he was sent to rural Montana on assignment twice, but returned both times. In his spare time, he enjoys writing autobiographical blurbs in the third-person.

  • John Nagy

    Managing Editor
    2000 ND master’s degree

    John Nagy snuck on to the staff in 2006, having fled campus seven years earlier after spending what seemed like an eternity locked inside his cinderblock grad-student study carrel. He landed in Washington, D.C., getting his start in online journalism when respectable people didn’t do such things. Mostly unpretentious, he holds degrees in English literature and history from the Universities of Virginia and Notre Dame.

  • Kerry Prugh

    Design and Art Director

    Kerry holds a BFA from the Cleveland Institute of Art, where she studied graphic design. She then spent seven years as a designer working for not-for-profit clients. In 1996 she moved to the South Bend area, where she worked as an art director for RHB, specializing in marketing for education and other related not-for-profits. She joined the staff of Notre Dame Magazine in August 2010 and calls it her dream job. When not in the office, she usually can be found with her daughter at the stables, where they share a passion for horses and other animals. She still hopes to have “fancy chickens” if her husband ever agrees.