Molarity Classic: 574-578

Author: Michael Molinelli '82

It's 1982. Mitch and Alphie are Steppin' Out. Dion's calling The Police. Jim suspects Spirits in the Material World. But Who Can It Be Now? 

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574. Michael Ortman ’82 wrote a column in The Observer suggesting that Domers who complained about graduating because they didn’t have a job, had not gotten into the grad school they wanted or weren’t sure if it was time to get married, etc., should count their blessings.


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575. In my column in this edition I solved all the world’s problems with sensible evidence such as, “Studies show that if people are fed, world hunger will be greatly reduced.”


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576. One person who approached me was more concerned about Ashtabula’s welfare than about that of any of the other characters.


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577. An early version of the Daily Question appeared in this paper. It was called “Campus Voice” and was put together by Cheryl Ertelt ’82. It featured four photos with students’ answers to the question, “What do you think about Prime Minister Trudeau as commencement speaker?” Arts and Letters student Carrie Amato ’82 said, “C’est magnifique!” Architecture student and Molarity friend Bob Ritger ’82 said, “I think it’s fantastic. How can you hate the guy? Nobody knows enough about him.”


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578. Yes, that is me, seen clearly in the second panel. Very different from the Jim Mole alter ego I created as a freshman. Psychologists may do entire papers on the significance of this.


See the first five classic strips. Buy the book with all 581 original cartoons: MOLARITY: The Compleat Molarity is available at the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore and Check back monthly for more classic Molarity strips. Molarity Redux, the updated, continuing adventures of Jim Mole and friends, also is posted monthly. For those new strips, check out the cartoon archives.