
60 Enjoy Life: Contact A Classmate

It is with sadness that I write this article in July for the Autumn issue of the ND Magazine. I have talked to many of you about what we are doing during the pandemic, and there is not a lot of variation. Most are staying home, following the guidelines and not going out. I guess that is the best we can do to get rid of this problem. On the topic of reunions, we know that our 60th reunion did not take place in 2020 and possibly will be planned for 2021. It also appears that our mini reunion originally scheduled for the Arkansas weekend is cancelled. There has been a suggestion that we get together some weekend during the winter in a warm location and have a couple of class dinners, lunches, golf, touring and other fun events for classmates. More will follow in our broadcast class emails. We hope you have looked at our new class website on the new ND alumni system. To get the most out of this system, you will need to go to my.nd.edu, log in, update your profile and click the “join” button. Clicking the button will enable you to utilize the system and look up the contact information of our classmates. Richard Daggett wrote in a note to Terry Keating, who resides in Cheboygan MI. “This is my hometown and three from my high school class went to ND: John Yankoviak, Bill Barnish and myself. John was our best man when Gretchen and I were married 54 years ago. Unfortunately, John passed away a few years ago. I was surprised to hear the Dam Site Inn was still going. My family ate there frequently. What a privilege it was for a small-town farm kid from Cheboygan to go to ND.” Paul Scagliarini writes, “It must have taken considerable planning to have the President of the United States and a cardinal from Rome at our graduation. When I read God, Country, Notre Dame, by Rev. Ted Hesburgh, CSC, ’39, he mentions our graduation. So, I wrote to Father Ted in 1991 to express my enjoyment of the book, especially the part about our graduation. He responded, thanking me for the thoughtful note. Then he wrote the following by hand: ‘60 was our best graduation ever. Great class too!’ We can be proud that we had President Eisenhower and Pope Paul VI, who is now St. Pope Paul VI at our graduation. The letter is framed on my office wall.” Dan Coughlin writes, “Fran McGee has disappeared, and his phone number is obsolete. Any help here? I’m working on my final two sports books, which I have continued to write, after a lifetime as a newspaper sportswriter and TV sports announcer. It’s more than a hobby and not quite a living.” Ollie Flor has been gracious in sending old pictures for our new Class of 1960 site on the Alumni Association platform. Some pictures he sent included Dan Lyons, Tony Barrello, Ed Nebel, Joe Thummess and Joe’s friend, Georgina West. Also, he sent a few pictures of the 1960 football Monogram Club from the 25th, 40th and 50th reunions. Ollie adds, “In addition to having my daughter Liz ’85 and son Pete ’91 both graduating from ND, I have a grandson, Alex, who finished his sophomore year in Mendoza and a granddaughter Andraya in ND law school.” Look at the pictures at my.nd.edu. Let us know what you think. Dee Stevenson says, “In grad school, I lived with Jim Wulf, Tom McCarey and Bill Howard in a log cabin a couple of miles north of Niles. Bill got married that summer as we did for the third semester of grad school. Some fun times we had. Tom Keegan was a good friend in school. Did you know he was a cheerleader and ran track and cross-country?” Secretary’s note: Tom and Anne reside in a beautiful assisted living community in Fallwood CA. — Joseph F. Jansen; 9190 Southmont Cove, No. 103, Ft. Myers FL 33908; cell 317-514-4478; jfjansen@aol.com 


61 Can You Top This?

I still receive mail on families with multiple members who are ND grads. Jim Twohy wrote via snail mail his history and family. With a few modifications by me, he wrote: “When we graduated in ’61, I went on active duty as a junior officer in the Navy. Two years later, I had the good fortune to marry Elizabeth Berg, whom I had dated for seven years. She was the younger sister of Rev. Dick Berg, CSC ’59, an ND grad. Betsy and I were blessed with five children, four of whom are ND grads (Peter ’88, David ’88, Mary Sue ’91, and John ’92) plus a daughter-in-law, who is a 1987 grad. One of our granddaughters, Kyra ’18 is also an ND grad, and Emma starts as a freshman next month.” Jim says he stays in touch with Dick Hendricks and John Flynn. Larry Richards writes of the Richards alumni association. His grandson, Dominic Ferrante, is a 2020 grad. He is their second grandchild as a ND grad, and he sported a 3.99 GPA. His cousin Erin Elizabeth Richards graduated with the Class of 2011. His brother Luke Ferrante is entering his sophomore year at ND. Their four children Christina ’84, Mark ’85, Kathleen (Richards/Ferrante) ’88 and Patricia ’89 are alumni. Additionally, Chris is married to Brian Conway ’84 and Pat is married to David Cooke ’89. Yes, you are correct, that is nine ND grads. Jim says his heart and wallet reside with Notre Dame. I regret to report that Tom King has died. He served his country in the military and he was devoted to ND to the very end. His funeral was shared on Zoom, reports Liz Barnett. Robert “Dusty” Dusterberg passed away May 29 and is survived by his wife, Barbara. His obit points out that a frequent subject in his conversation was ND. He was his ND club’s Man of the Year in 2011. For those of you who knew him, Coach Brian Boulac ’63 passed away. Every year after the football season, he would come to San Antonio and share secrets of the season. There is planning afoot for the next reunion and I will share it as soon as I get it. The pandemic has me and Abbie in a state of disorientation. What day is it? Abbie had the surgery on her ankle May 7 and is struggling in pain to recover. Otherwise we remain well. And I know you will be glad to hear that she is at her post at the front door with the latchstring out. — Joseph P. (“Pat”) Kelly; 2103 N. Wheeler St., Victoria TX 77901; 361-573-9982; jpkellytx@sbcglobsl.net


61JD Class Secretary John N. Moreland;



62 Treasures

After graduating as an EE, Rafael Mariño started a long and varied career beginning as a planning and research engineer for Long Island Lighting Co. In 1964 he and his wife, Magdalena, returned to Colombia where he joined the operations department of the Bogotá power company and later went with the National Planning Department of the Government of Colombia that supervised national infrastructure projects. The president of Colombia subsequently appointed Rafael general manager of the Colombian Institute of Agriculture ICA, responsible for research and extension in agriculture, cattle, irrigation, and mechanization of rural areas. Three years later, he accepted an offer as production manager of one of the leading sugar mills in the country, developing what became the largest biological pest control solutions in the world, saying “we covered beside our own sugar cane, some 4,000 hectares of third party crops (cotton, maize, sorghum, fruit trees) with the proper control insects, all grown in (our) laboratories.” In 1980, Rafael moved back to Bogotá, his and Magdalena’s hometown, to become dean of engineering at the U de Los Andes. He was later recruited to be the general manager of Central de Mezclas, the largest Portland Cement and concrete group in Colombia. When it was sold in 1995, he “became general manager of COLFRIGOS, the largest cold storage installation in Colombia responsible for all types of cold storage and developed an IQF line that was used to export frozen broccoli to Europe. Simultaneously he started a cut flowers export farm with one hectare of gypsophila. He says, “Our family has been in the cut flower business ever since.” Rafael has been back to campus a couple of times and meets frequently in Bogotá with some of the Colombian ND alumni, and had a visit several years ago from Ken Jannot. Rafael further commented, “At ND, I learned that beliefs, education and integrity are treasures nobody can take from you. Further, Prof. Larry Stauder repeated that technology is an always changing phenomena, hence one has to keep updated all the time.” In his spare time, Rafael obtained a pilot’s license to fly single engine planes and a helicopter. He is now retired and enjoying his family that includes nine grandchildren. Bob Streit writes, “After working with Ernst & Young my entire career, I retired in 1999 and moved to Elk Rapids MI where we still own a well-known art gallery named the Twisted Fish Gallery.” Jack Nelson still practices psychiatry in Pittsburgh and lives in a center of Opus Dei, where he helps with formative activities for men and boys of all ages. Jack says he was involved in a “study of the Pennsylvania grand jury report of 2018 on clergy sexual abuse, a problem that affects many institutions in the world, but was especially well documented by the grand jury using their subpoena powers, so it became a unique data set.” He has published a number of papers about the data, “But also about the cultural and other factors that might have played a role in the phenomenon, as most of us probably had experiences or heard of things that would contribute to that understanding.” Eight members of the class passed away recently: Gene McKale in September 2018; Bob Miley on January 18; Robert Riley on March 7; Gary Yarwood on April 25; John Rosheck on May 1; Philip Dillenburger on May 6; Gerry Nichols on May 12; Tom Littlefield on June 4; Pat McMahon June 23; and John Shuff on June 29. Thanks go to Holy Cross priests Revs. Carl Ebey, Bob Antonelli and Chuck Lavely who offer Masses for our deceased classmates. — Raymond Raedy; 5310 Rileys Ridge Road, Hillsborough NC 27278; 919-967-8816; nd62secy@medicinemanremedies.com


62JD Life Changes

It was nice to hear from Pat Cox, wife of deceased classmate Bob Cox. Pat has pulmonary fibrosis and has moved to Granger IN to be near her family. Pat wants to move to Holy Cross but must wait until it is no longer under quarantine. Ted Fitzgerald still represents a few clients a day or two a week. Ted’s wife, Nan, has Alzheimer’s and has been in St. Anthony Home for two years. Nan contracted the virus but has recovered. Because of the quarantine, Ted had not seen her in nearly four months until a recent 20-minute outdoor visit. Her condition is such that she recognizes Ted and is delighted to see him but does not remember his visits. Ted has three children and nine grandchildren, and all are fine. Ted remains active in the church, the Knights of Columbus and several local committees. Ted says, “I am blessed with many good friends. I think of ND and you often. We picked a great time to be there. I feel blessed that I got to know you. God Bless you and keep in touch.” Bev and Denny Sullivan are still in Dallas. He closed his firm and is doing some legal work, as solo. Denny has three children and seven grandchildren and are all well and productive. Denny sees Jim Goethals regularly and occasionally visits Mike Kelly on his way to the Gulf. Wanda and Jay Charon send greetings to all. They are building a new home in beautiful Brown County IN. Jay does little legal work now except as a sounding board for Wanda. Jay says be sure to contact him if you are coming their way. George McAndrews recently lost Tim Malloy (also an ND Law School graduate) his friend and partner in McAndrews, Held & Malloy for well over 30 years. Marianne and I are celebrating the birth of our ninth grandchild, Cole Platt. I hope you, your families and classmates remain well. — Thomas J. Kelly; 802 Ambriance Drive, Burr Ridge IL 60527; marianne1956@sbcglobal.net


63 Not Much Good News

Dale LaPorte noted that John Kane is the author of a new novel, Deliver Us From Evil, which was published by Christian Faith Publishing. According to Amazon, the book describes “one man’s struggle to find his place in an ever-changing world.” John and his wife of 53 years, Millice, live in Collingswood NJ and plan to relocate to Marblehead MA. John has suffered from Parkinson’s Disease for 22 years; moving to Marblehead will place the Kanes close to several of their children and grandchildren. The Kanes have 10 children and 23 grandchildren. John Hargrove ’64 wrote that retired Army National Guard Lt. Col. Thomas Fabish passed away in December of last year. Tom and John were Air Cavalry officers in the Army serving together 1963-65 with the Third Armored Division. Michael Thoman has been retired from the FBI since 1995 and is enjoying life. He and his wife, Gretchen, have been married for 52 years, and have lived in Houston since 1978. Their son Christopher ’92 graduated from ND. Michael sent the following about Gerald L. Dougherty. “Jerry passed away on April 20 in Newnan GA. He was an aeronautical engineer and worked for Lockheed Martin. After graduation, Jerry and I spent two years together at Fort Sill OK. I recall we had a trip to Galveston with Pat Haley who was a close friend of Jerry’s from Notre Dame and his hometown of La Salle IL. Haley was training to be a helicopter pilot at the time. The following year, Jerry and I were in California and took Pat to dinner and then to Los Angeles Airport. Pat was on his way to Vietnam. Sadly, Pat was killed on April 18, 1967.” Jerry is survived by his wife, Patricia, and two children. Brian Boulac died in South Bend on June 3, survived by his wife of 54 years, Mary Ann (Micki), four daughters and three grandchildren. All-State in football, basketball and baseball he turned down a Red Sox baseball offer to play football for the Irish. Other than a stint in the Army, Brian never left Notre Dame. Beginning as a graduate assistant under Hugh Devore, he coached under Ara Parseghian and Dan Devine until 1983, when he moved into administration as assistant athletic director. Brian suffered from diabetes for many years and was prone to infection. In late May, Brian had his left leg amputated below the knee and contracted COVID-19, which took his life. Memorial contributions may be made to Brian Boulac Scholarship, University of Notre Dame, Dept. of Development, 1100 Grace Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Jack Kelleher called to say that Cliff Angers passed away on July 12 at his home at the Landings on Skidaway Island GA, where he lived for the past 20 or so years. Cliff died from IPS, a pulmonary disease, which he suffered from for several years. He would have celebrated his 79th birthday the following day. Cliff is survived by his wife, Karen, and children Kathy and Kevin. Following graduation from ND, he earned an MBA from the U of Michigan and spent his career in the advertising business. The Alumni Association has advised of the following additional deaths in our class: Jerold E. Aubrey on April 8, survived by two children; Lawrence M. Stilinovic MD of Seattle on April 28, survived by his wife, Katie, and four children; and G. Michael Wurzelbacher of Chicago on Nov. 18, 2019, survived by three children. — John F. Dougherty Jr.; 915 Exeter Crest, Villanova PA 19085; 215-510-084; johndoc969@gmail.com


63JD Remembering Two of the Best 

During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, two of our classmates slipped away, not because of the virus but because it was their time. Ed Fillenwarth and Bob Berry left some tracks. Both left behind loving families, incredible legal careers, and decades of community service. Ed spent nearly 50 years in the labor law trenches litigating, defending and lobbying for the average person in the workplace or those left out of the workplace. He was thrown into the tough labor law world of 1963 right out of law school when Ed and his father formed the firm of Fillenwarth and Fillenwarth in Indianapolis. Ed handled it then and for nearly 50 years because he was tough but also very thorough in his work, fair, calm and with a great sense of humor. He was able to look beyond the pile of files on his desk and see the big picture. When it became clear to him that NAFTA was the reason Indiana workers were being laid off, he and Val went to Mexico to see the impact of NAFTA on the other side of the border. They decided to become active in social justice issues and joined Witness for Peace with Ed serving on its national board of directors for six years. Ed and Val were a team in this endeavor. Each supported the other. Ed was highly active in supporting church organizations. He served on the boards of Catholic Social Services, Archdiocesan Social Ministries and as president of Catholic Youth Organization. However, Ed and Val left some tracks far more important to them: seven children, 17 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Bob Berry’s amazing story started when he worked for the Nugget Casino while attending Nevada Reno as an undergraduate. He became acquainted with Paul Laxalt, the Nugget attorney. Bob’s legal career began with the Washoe County District Attorney. He left the DA’s office at about the same time Paul Laxalt was elected governor and had to leave a law practice with his brother. Bob joined the firm, becoming a partner. The firm was very successful, and Bob was very generous in contributing to ND. My favorite Berry story (one he told me) was when Bob received a call from ND asking him to attend a meeting of the ND Board of Trustees. He wasn’t told why, and he began thinking that it might be to recognize his significant contributions to ND. However, his expectations were soon put to rest. ND had been trying without success to have President Reagan speak on campus. The appearance had been planned well before the president was shot but he had not made any speaking appearances while recovering. The trustees wanted Bob to talk to Senator Laxalt about the president coming to South Bend. Bob flew back to Reno and called the Senator. Two days later, Laxalt called Berry back saying that the president had agreed to speak at ND. Knowing how to play a hot hand, Bob called the office of Rev. Ted Hesburgh, CSC, ’39 and left a four-word message: “He will be there.” Impressed, ND flew Berry back for the speech and had him on the tarmac to greet President Reagan as he got off Air Force One. Bob was active in the casino business with ownership interest in two casinos at Lake Tahoe and another in Wendover along Highway 50 at the Utah border. In later years, he phased out of the casino business and was named a Nevada Supreme Court settlement judge. In 2016 he wrote a book, Conflict Resolution Beneath the Gavel, on settlement as an alternative to litigation. — Bob Saxe; 15725 Ranchero Drive, Morgan Hill CA, 95037; bsaxe5@aol.com  


64 After the Peace Corps in Peru

Tim Kelley got his MBA at UCLA and joined Citibank in their international operation. In his 31-year career, Tim worked and lived in every continent except Antarctica and Australia before retiring to Beaver Creek CO. He and Barbara just celebrated their 50th anniversary. Both are active and travel a lot, with Tim taking up fly fishing after retirement. He provided “context” on Radio Free Keenan from the last column. Apparently, some third floor Keenan residents had been using the new cork bulletin boards for playing darts. An investigation ensued with pressure applied to identify the culprits. In response, Radio Free Keenan was birthed to “protect the innocent.” We will never know the whole story but there was lots of fun in the freshman dorms of 1960-61. Mike McKeever spent a couple of years in the Navy after graduation before joining Northwestern Mutual. He retired after 42 years as the managing partner in Denver. His wife of 55 years, Nancy, is a long-time cancer survivor. Mike indicates his health is good, other than a few broken bones and other orthopedic issues from cycling, skiing and other pursuits. They still live in Denver but spend lots of time at homes in Vero Beach and Vail. All three kids and six grandchildren live in the Denver area. He particularly looks forward to connecting with classmates Jim Bloom and Nick Iuppa. Bob Burgfechtel practiced family medicine for 20 years in Wisconsin before obtaining a master’s in administrative medicine. This led to managed care administration with Prudential, then ER/urgent care in Minneapolis. Bette, his girlfriend going back to third grade, and Bob will soon celebrate their 55th anniversary. They raised two boys. Bob advises that his roommate before he left for med school was Ken Leveno, also a pre-med. Sadly, Ken passed away in May after a long and extraordinary career in OB/GYN at U Texas Southwest in Dallas. We understand Ken was chief of OB for a long time and was also the editor of the top obstetrics textbook. He continued teaching residents until his death. Jim Drury writes from Barrington Hills IL that he is still managing JamesDruryPartners, specializing in the proactive selection of outside boards for Fortune 1000 CEOs. Jim is still actively playing polo after 37 years, running Chicago’s Oak Brook Polo Club and captaining its polo team. He and Peggy have a winter home near Wellington FL. Son Jim IV works with his dad. Grandsons, 4, and 2, make life fun. Jim shares that one of his best friends, classmate Dave Justin, former Vietnam Army officer and retired Arthur Andersen partner, passed away within the last year. John Pettit died in April in Los Angeles. Starting with the accounting firm Ernst & Ernst, John moved through a series of increasingly responsible positions at the Michigan Cancer Foundation and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, before moving to LA in 1995 to become president of the John Wayne Cancer Research Center in Santa Monica. He and Kathie have three children and six grandchildren. Please keep in your prayers Dr. Dave Fitzgerald, Elvin Semrad, Paul Borowski, Steve Dreher and Gregory Grieco who passed away this spring. — Paul R. Charron; 44 Contentment Island Road, Darien CT; 917-860-5385; paul.richard.charron@gmail.com


64JD Similar Paths

As a preface and summary of my conversations with classmates, all of us continue to deal with our sequestration and constraints caused by the pandemic. Unsurprisingly, we have taken similar paths to navigate limiting protocols and have arrived at many of the same places, especially bonding with family and friends and drawing on our faith for strength. I finally caught up with our classmate Pat Weir after almost 11 years of no contact. After graduation, Pat was law clerk to the chief judge of the 8th Circuit, then joined the judge’s firm after the clerkship, specializing in health care law and malpractice litigation. He also served as chairman of the North Dakota Horse Racing Commission, was appointed a district court justice and an appointed judge of the North Dakota Supreme Court, and later served as general counsel of a large oil services provider in the west. Still practicing, Pat is the Billings County States Attorney living on his ranch near Medora (adjacent to Theodore Roosevelt National Park), serves as chairman of the North Dakota Parole Board ( breathe easy mates), chairman of the Governor’s Pardon Advisory Board and chairman of the State Historical Society. He sends his best regards to all along with a general invitation to everyone to stop at the ranch and visit him and the quarter horses he raises. Larry Gallick is almost fully recovered from his brush with heart problems and has enjoyed the summer with family at his home on Lake Ontario. Bob Cash also had a family gathering at the clan’s place on Torch Lake in Michigan. Bob Hanlon is recovering from a bad fall that led to serious hip and back issues but is feeling better and on the mend. Like so many of us, Bob Frost is bored stiff and is about to the end of his patience watching old movies. As someone once said, it takes a lot of work to do nothing. Frank Miele will pause his work as a supernumerary at the NY Met until early January when the theater season hopefully reopens. Jack Jiganti returned from Florida to Chicago where he continues as a principal in a nationwide investment group while still finding time, energy and resources for the Gerry Vairo Memorial Fund memorializing our classmate. The fund, founded by Jack, enables patients with limited resources to receive hospice care. I hope we can join Jack in his noble endeavor. Walking has become a favorite outlet for some of our mates, particularly Charles Sacher, Jim Slater, Tom Conneely, Lou Pfeiler, myself and others who reportedly do three-to-four miles or more daily. (Fingers crossed.) Frank Miele should be included but he is so into running, lifting, cycling and all exercise forms that he stands alone. Gene Kramer has been busy preening office files as he relocates his practice to his condo in Cleveland. Russ Bley and I talk occasionally, and he deserves kudos and thanks for helping me with St. Louis issues and items. Jim Mercurio and Jack Rammel are in good health and spirits and send their greetings. Sharon and I, along with Pascal, our Great Dane, are in good health. Finally, I ask for your prayers for my sister Zoe Wagner Graham ’60SMC, who is near death with a terminal illness. Some of you knew her as my older sister from our undergraduate days. God bless and be safe. — Richard Balfe Wagner; 1204 Erskine Manor Hill, South Bend IN 46614; res 574-299-9888; cell 760-567-1270; rswagnersb@gmail.com


65 Space Engineer

Palo Alto has been home to John Antoun for 55 years. After graduation he spent four years in the Navy as a teacher in Rickover’s Nuclear Power Program then went to UC Berkeley graduate school in mathematics which led to a career in space science and engineering at TRW focusing on satellite and intelligence systems. After retirement he consulted for seven years with NASA for their trips to the International Space Station. John and his wife, Karen, have been married 50 years and have a beautiful rose garden. Jim Dwyer was John’s roommate in Lyons Hall which was home to John Gearen and many other classmates, but Sorin College remained the center of ND’s universe. Jim continues an active business career in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, but plans a return to the US in several years. Bill Metz, who lives in Austin TX, writes that another Lyons Hall math major, John Buckley, joined the Benedictines shortly after graduation and celebrated his 50th anniversary of ordination in June. John earned a PhD at Columbia and did some training in Rome before a career of teaching and serving as a dean at St. Gregory’s College in Shawnee OK. After the college closed due to financial pressures, John is now the chaplain at Tinker Air Force Base. In May, Bruce Vosburg died after a 26-month battle with pancreatic cancer. He earned his JD at Harvard Law School then practiced law for more than 50 years, many as president/managing partner of the Fitzgerald Schorr Law Firm in Omaha. Bruce served on many non-profit boards and pursued his passion for tennis, winning many city and state tennis championships. Bruce and his wife, Susan, have two children, M. Amy ’95 and B. David ’04. With so many uncertainties in our lives as magnified by the COVID pandemic, many classmates continue to request a delayed celebration of our 55th reunion. Bob Lee, class treasurer, and I are planning an unofficial reunion to be held immediately after the official ND reunion next June. Availability of University facilities is not yet solidified. Lodging arrangements would be self-arranged with local hotels. To date, our quest has not been sanctioned by the University. Our plan depends upon the availability of an effective and safe COVID vaccine. Hopefully in the next column we will have more concrete information. — James P. Harnisch MD; 6759 West Mercer Way, Mercer Island WA 98040; jphnd65@hotmail.com


65JD Class SecretaryJohn Donald O’Shea;



66 Short Shrift

Apologies. Recent developments lead to a briefer column herein, as opposed to my last time. I recently retired after 53 years laboring in the fundraising vineyards and have been busy selling our Baltimore area home and considering our next move, possibly relocating to our Cape Cod retreat. I may end up consulting as I can’t imagine totally kicking back. Minch Lewis out of Syracuse and Pat McRedmond down Nashville way have dialogue going with Prez Cap Gagnon regarding our 55th reunion next June, assuming the COVID-19 situation will allow us to gather. Cap will run point on the event, with help and suggestions from many of you. Cap sent word that Jon Spoelstra, former NBA exec and father of current Miami Heat coach Erik, has a book out: Get Your Ideas Approved. Jon was a communication arts major with Cap and me and went on to become a marketing genius with such a great rep that his services were traded for an NBA player. I connected with Jon when we were in Buffalo in the late 1970s, when he was with the short-lived Buffalo NBA team and I was at Children’s Hospital. Cap says Doug Ford recently shot his age (76) on the golf course and Cap keeps in touch with Floridians Jack Pavlic and Dean Planeaux, while having heard from John Driscoll, along with Bob Downs and George Bernard, both of whom had distinguished careers in health care. Mickey Quinn reminded that Arunas Vasys and Nick Eddy were in Keenan, not Stanford, as I had reported in my last missive. I saw some email between Dick Martiny in Ellicott City MD and Mike Rush of South Bend, comparing notes. There is more sad news to relate: Pete Riehm passed on and I heard from his family but misplaced the details in my shuffle to retire. I remember Pete well from Pangborn; he was a great guy. If his family reads this, please re-send the specifics. Also on to his eternal reward is Brian Boyce. John Flatley and Cap shared memories of Brian as a super nice guy and bartender in the Senior Bar, then on to a successful Navy career, largely in Long Beach, before retiring to a Norfolk firm that taught Naval officers how to drive ships. Finally, word came that Joe Marbaugh left us as well. No details arrived. One personal memory: upon leaving ND, I went to Syracuse U to obtain an MS in TV-radio in the Newhouse School of Communication. I landed an RA position and ended up in Sadler Hall, where a lot of the athletes lived, and where I was proud to show the ND colors. NFL great Larry Csonka was married at the time but was a regular visitor with his Orange teammates. Future NFL Hall of Famer Floyd Little, a great fellow, lived there. The other running back residing across the hall from me was Tom Coughlin, who, as we all know, had a stellar coaching career with BC, the NY Giants, etc. To cap it off, Jim Boeheim was my fellow RA. The SU environment was quite a contrast to the ND culture. Remember: illegitimi non carborundum, don’t let the bastards grind you down. — Tom Sullivan; 1108 Westwicke Lane, Lutherville MD 21093; cell 773-454-4343; t66sullynmd@gmail.com


67 President Knees

Class president George Goeddeke has new knees. His first was replaced about three years ago and resulted in George standing more upright and restored 1.5 inches to his height. He liked that so much, he went to get the other knee replaced thinking he could become 6 foot 7. Optimistic as that was, George at least got to 6 foot 2 which is an inch or so below his playing height. Seven years as an NFL lineman having defensive linemen like Ernie Ladd and Alan Page beating on him resulted in some reduction in height, but not as much as those knees which were buckled until the surgical replacement. Dan Madigan from Milwaukee has developed into the grim reaper of our class by contributing to this column only when someone dies. His latest is Chuck Malley who passed away in Reno NV. Chuck left school early to work for the McCarthy for President campaign in 1966 through 1968. Bob Peters wrote to inform us that Mike Kertez left this world early in 2020. After graduation Mike earned a Bronze Star for his combat actions in Vietnam. After completing his military obligation, Mike moved to Chicago where he worked as a reporter his entire professional career. He could entertain all listeners with stories of meeting with Hizzoner, the original Mayor Daley of Chicago. Paul Bevilaqua has non-obituary news. Paul is semi-retired in San Diego, poor boy. He is only semi-retired as he is a visiting professor at Purdue 30 days a year. He is also trying to finish his book on the design and development of the F-35, that he and Bob Cuccias worked on together. The working title is It’s No Secret. Paul was awarded the Guggenheim Medal in Aeronautics “for the conception and demonstration technologies enabling the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.” Paul saw Steve Vogel in Buffalo a while back, where Steve is retired and enjoying life. Paul Noelke wrote to let us know that Bob Nesius passed away June 27 at his home in Califon NJ after a long illness. As concert chairman in 1966-67, Bob introduced onstage personalities Ray Charles, Harry Belefonte, Kingston Trio, Clancy Brothers, Roger Miller, and Peter Paul and Mary to audiences in the Stepan Center during our junior and senior years. Bob was predeceased by his wife Mary ’69SMC in February and is survived by two daughters Betsy Nesius ’02 and Callie Nesius. Raymond Raedy ’62 has compiled a chronology of all infantry and armored divisions in World War II that were engaged in Europe from the invasion of Sicily to surrender. Ray did this in response to a class member who asked where his father served. So, this compilation has a lot of Notre Dame heritage. He invites classmates who are interested to contact him at nd62secy@medicinemanremedies.com. Going forward, please send info to me for this column. Most obits are published in the magazine at the back of Class Notes. So, to make it into this column, please give me “some juice” to make it more than a line item. Preferable is all the positive news you can find on classmates. Thanks for your help. — Bert R. Bondi; 1891 Curtis St., Unit 1502, Denver CO 80202; bertrbondi@gmail.com


67JD How’s Your Boat?

We may be in the same storm, but we have different boats that determine how well we can weather these rough waters. Maris, the daughter of Roseanne and Jim Harrington, tested positive for COVID-19. She is recovering at home, but the recovery is slow and she continues to have cardiac, lung and other issues related to the virus. The good news is that she has recovered sufficiently to return to work remotely. As for Roseanne and Jim, their health remains stable, but Jim has some ongoing lung issues, unrelated to the virus, and is hyper-cautious to avoid exposure to COVID-19. Many of you have sent supportive emails and prayers to the Harringtons and Jim wanted to acknowledge and thank you for the kind wishes. “Sam” and Jack Couch write that they have remained healthy and are only making essential local trips. The horse stable is off limits so they can’t visit their horse, and the therapeutic stable where they work with special needs children is closed for the duration. Their small boat cruise to Alaska has been cancelled. Like most things related to the pandemic, it is merely an inconvenience for them. Their health remains good as is the health of their extended family in California, Maine and South Carolina. They pray for all those who are not so fortunate, and they hope things return to some degree of normalcy as soon as it is safe to do so. Beth and Frank Verterano are fine, as is their extended family. All have been careful and are following guidelines from the CDC. Frank decided at the beginning of the outbreak that his help in his office should work from home, and some continue to do so even though Pennsylvania has re-opened. Frank, of course, continued working from his office without any noticeable diminishing in his hours. Their trip to Italy and Greece, scheduled for this summer, was cancelled and they are still waiting to hear whether the collegiate football season will happen this year. They hold season tickets for ND and Penn State home games. Nevertheless, they are aware they are fortunate to live on over four acres of land. Social distancing is the norm. Dave Kamm is less content with the “new normal.” Neither he nor his friends have suffered physically from the virus but his patience with social distancing and the other restrictions is wearing on him. Boredom is his biggest problem. I think he needs a bigger boat. Bobby Barkley just completed an eight-day western road trip with his adult daughter, Victoria. The trip included a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon and a hot air balloon ride over Albuquerque. He logged over 3,500 miles in his 14-year old pick-up during the trip. Bob had a nasty fall at home last November. He was hospitalized for a week and fractured six ribs with multiple breaks in each and a punctured lung. But he has completely recovered. Bob has a bigger boat, apparently named, “What Me Worry?” We hope to gather in Naples FL during the first week of February 2021. Hopefully, the pandemic will have passed by then. — Jim Heinhold; 1200 Carmel Lane, New Bern NC 28562; res 252-638-5913; im4irish@aol.com


68 Universal Resistance

While we have the sadness of deaths among us, we seem not to have any attributable to the coronavirus. The universal resistance to the awful disease suggests that we are worth study for more than our intelligence, our muscularity, and our attraction for beautiful women. Correspondence from two classmates living in Australia should allay the frequent complaint that class news is too Chicago-centric. Mike Crutcher is in Perth, Australia, after the loss of his visa caused interruption of the missionary work he and his wife carry out in China. Charlie Stevenson, surfaced in a Joe Hale email string that began with Mike Moore and gained heft as it added the names of Keenan Hall friends, including roommate Tom Voglewede, now retired from his optometrist practice. Retired professor Charlie lives with his Irish wife, Aideen, in Cairns, across the continent from Mike, another former Texan. See our blog at ndclass1968.com. Mike Wolf and Ken DiLaura sent notes that predated the quarantine time and now seem descriptive of another epoch: “Jim Ewing and Bonnie, Ken DiLaura and Ronnie and Mike Wolf and Mary ’68SMC were able to play golf, enjoy dinners and catch up on old times in Fort Myers and Naples this winter before the virus shut down festivities. Jim summers in Illinois, Ken in Grosse Pointe MI and the Wolfs in Williamsport PA.” Our blog holds news summarized here: John O’Connor, whose new book is titled Postgate, discussed former FBI Director James Comey in two interviews with Fox News. “Cross Talk,” a painting by Tom Fitzharris is in the alumni show of the New York Studio School. On Mother’s Day, her River Forest IL community remembered Tom Gibbs’ wife Sheila. Walt Moxham had disappointment and hope in his email: “Our Vietnam Veteran Chapter’s efforts to have Rocky Bleier and his play brought to Western New York on Aug. 8 has fallen victim to COVID-19. It is very upsetting as I was looking forward to finally paying Rocky back for his appearances with our Vietnam Veteran’s Photo Shows in 1990 with a Wilson NY fishing trip. Tom Brislin and I hoped to show him Wilson’s beautiful Lake Ontario sunsets against the Toronto skyline.” Jay Schwartz invites reading of and commenting on his new essay at the blog One More Thing. Unfortunately, three classmates have died at a time when meditation and sorrow, along with pride, must suffice for comforting in person. Searchers found the remains of missing Taos NM skier John McCoy in May. Class president Tom Weyer, who approved John’s affiliation with our class, wrote, “I particularly enjoyed his voluntary joining of the Great ’68 as well as his boat bum and ski bum business card.” When general program member Mike Daher died of cancer June 26, he was nearing retirement after 40 years as a professor of English and humanities at Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn MI. The affection expressed on the school’s website resembles the impact of Prof. Frank O’Malleys life on the Notre Dame community. For example, a student wrote: “Dr. Daher leaves behind an empty space that is hard to fill. But it’s also true that he leaves behind a legacy in the form of the magnificent impact that he has left on so many students. For this impact, I’m truly grateful.” John Walsh wrote about the death of his roommate Mike (“Arch”) McCarthy on July 16 at his brother Patrick’s farm outside Rock Springs WI. “Mike excelled as a pre-med major and had an active practice of psychiatry in the Washington DC area. We were lifelong friends who stood shoulder-to-shoulder in our kindergarten photo (with Brian Sullivan). After retiring from the practice of psychiatry, Mike took up oil painting as a hobby in the rich and expressive style of Vincent Van Gogh. Mike and Nora, who died in 2018, did not have any children.” May you, your families and your friends be safe. Please see ndclass1968.com and send news. — Tom Figel; 1054 West North Shore, Apt. 3E, Chicago IL 60626; 773-764-4898; tfigel@reputecture.com


68JD Worth Reading

After my plea for information for Class Notes, I received an update from Terry Kelly who reports, “I just returned from the post office and bank. No mail; no money. I just stand around. It gives Alice a break. Heads up on the work of Nikole Hannah-Jones ’98. She was raised in Waterloo IA about 60 miles from the childhood homes of Ivan Bodensteiner, Jim McGovern and me. Nikole just received a Pulitzer Prize for the lead essay to The 1619 Project, published in New York Times Magazine in November 2019. In addition to the lead essay, she planned, founded, found contributors, and managed the undertaking. Urge classmates to Google it. It features essays, poetry and photographs picking up on beginning of Black enslavement in the colonies in 1619, a year before the Pilgrims.” (I have read The 1619 Project. It is outstanding and I circulated the article to our entire firm.) I also received an email from Tom Curtin who reported a Zoom call was shared by the Madison Manor Gang: Charlie, Pete, Lanny, Tom, Dick and Tom. They reminisced about ND, told family stories, and talked about the possibility of ND football in the fall. Tom continues to serve as chair of the US District Court for the District of New Jersey Lawyers Advisory Committee, where he has served as chair for 11 years. Tom has six grandsons and he reports that he is a lucky “Bamps” since everyone lives in the same town. I continue to practice law and see Charlie Weiss on a regular basis. This is a difficult time for everyone. We are hoping and praying for a return to the “old days,” however, COVID-19 has a way of disrupting life. On the positive side, we have been blessed since many of our parents experienced the Depression and World War II. If you have not visited Normandy, I strongly recommend the 10-day trip, and that you consider the Stephen Ambrose Travel Agency. It was a wonderful experience. The trip starts in London and we then toured through France and ended in Germany. Our guide was professor and Marine Ron Diaz. (You are never a former Marine.) He assisted Stephen Ambrose in the writing of D-Day and interviewed many of the World War II vets. It is a trip you will never forget. — Dennis G. Collins; 2203 Derby Way, St. Louis MO 63131; bus 314-516-2648; dgc@greensfelder.com


69 Racial Justice and The Pandemic 

In response to the George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and other killings, Don Wycliff published an op-ed in the Chicago Tribune on June 2 titled “For Black folks, it’s the same story over and over.” Andy Fedynsky wrote “Musings on race,” in The Ukrainian Weekly, June 26. On June 24, Mississippi Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann published a statement supporting replacing of the state flag, which included a Confederate emblem, which was subsequently replaced. He tested positive for COVID-19 on July 7. Get well soon, Delbert. The class blog has been busy collecting stories about the pandemic. In a series of stories about medical professionals on the front lines of COVID-19 called MedTalk, Bob Gibbons and Dave Sim interviewed registered nurse Sarah Fenn Narajowski, the daughter of Dr. John Beary; Dr. Dennis Fenn; Dr. Marc Imundo and his daughter Nicole Marchese RN; Lauren Ladky RN, the daughter of Tom Ladky; Dr. Margaret Barron, wife of Jim E. Lyons; and Dr. Tom Quinn, Ross Simpson and his son Dr. Brian Simpson ’09 and his fiancée, Dr. Teja Vasamsetty. Drs. Rick Boland, David Coulter, Ted Fahy, and Paul Freitas contributed stories to the series. Many classmates shared stories about how they are dealing with the virus, what they are cooking, recalling days gone by, including Jim Bennett, Mike Brennan, Jim Burke, Gary Campana, Steve Casetta, Mike Collins, Joel Connelly, Bill Costantini, George Daleiden, Phil Daniels, Tom Demetrio, Bob DePierre, Jim Durand, Andy Fedynsky, Erroll Flynn, Joe Garbrous, Tom Genis, Jack Girardi, Bill Gunlocke, Neil Harnisch, Dave Heskin, Greg Hipskind, Kip Horvath, Delbert Hosemann, Bill Hurd, Don Hynes, Steve Kavalauskas, Mike Keane, Mike Lippa, Kelly Macke ’70, Jack Mahon, Mike McCauley, Peter McInerney, Tony Mcleod, Dan Merritt, Bill Murphy, Tim Rooney, Tom Ryan, Bob Sacoff, Greg Schatz, Brian Schmidlin, Hal Smith, Rev. John Sheehan, Bill Wade, John Wehrheim. The class blog and several news outlets interviewed Terry Hanratty about his recovery from COVID-19. Bob Gibbons has dipped into his 25-year film review archives to share five movie reviews weekly since mid-April for our pandemic viewing pleasure. Joe Carroll, Tony Ingraffea, Mike Karwoski, Mike McCauley, Jim Pellegrin, Bill Schweitzer and Eric Ward shared their memories of Rev. Ernie Bartell, CSC, ’53, who died April 16. Bill Mitsch presented a 50th anniversary Earth Day webinar to 548 world-wide participants for NOAA on April 22. Patrick Rocchio wrote a new book, Keep the Hat on Your Head and Your Boots on the Pedals, available on Amazon.com. The May Notre Dame Senior Alumni newsletter featured Gary Campana’s blog story, “How I Studied at Notre Dame.” Dick Cimino retired from his law practice on June 30. Zoom gatherings: The “Farley Bros Zoom” meets every two or three weeks. Included are Jim Conway, Tom Flanagan, Errol Flynn, Gene Hammond, Mike McCauley, Hub Miller, Larry Pezanko, Gary Rimlinger, Greg Ryder, Dick DeSimon, Chip Stumpf, Bill Waldron, and Ed Weinlein. The Alumni Hall Buffaloes Zoom weekly: Tom Comerford, Michael Hacker, Steve John, Kelley Macke ’70, Jack Mahon, Bill Schweitzer, Brian Schmidlin, Bob Search, Ross Simpson, his brother Tom Simpson ’72, and Hal Smith. Glee clubbers Steve Hellrung, Don Jacobson, and Tony Macleod, senior-year roommates, organized a call. 50th anniversaries were celebrated in May by Cathy and Chip Stumpf and Ruthmarie and Bill Mitsch; in June: Julie and John McAllister; July: Virginia and Joe Fry. Deaths: Jim Helmer, April 4 in Neptune NJ; David Samora, April 8 in Santa Fe NM; Pat Healy, July 8 in Chicago. Pete McFarlane’s mother, Bertha, 103, May 12; Bill Murphy’s mother, Priscilla, 96, May 26; my mother, Mary Hickey, 98, May 23. Our condolences to their families. Take care and God bless. — John Hickey; 262-385-1961; jphjr47@hotmail.com; notredameclassof1969blog.blogspot.com


69MBA Class Secretary Bob Dowdell;

31625 Coast Highway, Laguna Beach CA 92651; 714-381-6104; bobdowdell55@gmail.com


69JD The New Abnormal 

I am writing this column in July during the COVID-19 pandemic. I find it difficult even though most of the news from our classmates is good. Earlier this month, Al Bannon sent me an email reporting that there was a peaceful racial equality march in his neighborhood with families and pets. He takes great pleasure hearing from us. Scott Atwell signed wills at a table on his front lawn. Everyone practiced safe distancing and was wearing masks. Other than will signings, he and Patsy are in quarantine, even from the grandchildren. When Bob Greene wears a mask, his granddaughter, 7, thinks he “looks really good.” His sons, Tim ’01, an ER doctor, and Dan ’04, ’08JD have placed him under house arrest and even do the shopping for him. His wife, Betty, is making masks for the family and others at Tim’s hospital. Bob saw Betty Elmer who asked about the class and he sends her greetings. Bob serves on the boards of the zoo, PBS/NPR and the local Catholic health system. Betsy and Gary Stoff are playing it safe in St. Louis as the city begins to open for church and business. Hank Catenacci reports that he and his family are safe in New Jersey. I told Jim Barba that I never thought I would see the day when I wore a mask when getting money from a bank. He did me one better. He must be extra careful since he is taking medicines that suppress his immune system. When he needs cash, he calls the bank and Rose drives over, pops the trunk and a bank employee drops a paper bag with the cash in the trunk. Jim Brady has been in contact with Dan Hebert, Nick Trogan, Vinnie Stamp and Jim Cooney by Zoom. Nick and Judy finally escaped from their winter home in Puerto Rico. Dan is retired and driving his wife, Peggy, crazy. I hope to see Jim and Nick while I am in Saugatuck in August and September. Tim McLaughlin vacationed on Long Island with his wife, Lynn, and her family. The trip did not work out well. His favorite New Jersey diner was closed, as was his deli in the Bronx. On the third day, he began experiencing extreme chills, so bad he declined to drink a beer. They finally drove back to Indiana where he was diagnosed with the COVID-19. He no longer tests positive, but his body is recovering from the beating it took. I hope to see Puma on my way to Michigan. Denny Mackin and I talked to Rev. John Jenkins, CSC. He told me that he will not get rid of the Leprechaun. — Jim Starshak; 889 Kaohe Place, Honolulu HI 96825; 808-395-0443; 778-4033; starman@hawaii.rr.com