Silver Linings Autumn 2020


Treasure Hunt

by Jay Walljasper

During which a world traveler discovers what he loves about his hometown

This Side of Paradise

by Miles Folsom

The uplifting saga of the inmate’s quest to reveal John Milton’s secret code

Serving Where It Matters Most

by Sarah Cahalan ’14

The priest and the people of Our Lady of the Angels

The Woman Who Made Lye Soap

by Scott Russell Sanders

A parable of the real wealth of nations 

A Practical Petition

by John Nagy ’00M.A.

And the hunt for a sustainable solution to the Grotto’s vexing burden of burned-out wax and glass

Leaning into a Life

by Michael Rodio ’12

How the boy from two worlds became a firefighter, paramedic, circus performer in Latin America, language teacher in Spain and doctoral student at Notre Dame, only to volunteer in New York’s COVID siege

Shaping History

by Jason Kelly ’95 

The sculptor who turned the social movement of his time into art

Some Things Everyone Should Know

by Eric Zorn 

Or at least some stuff you might want to strongly consider

The Magic of Cape San Blas

by Chris Kuhl ’77 

Where the road trip to get away took him right to the place he needed to be