
10 Happy Couples, Growing Families

Conor McCarthy married Rachel Perron ’13 on Sept. 25. Members of the wedding party included Matt Perron, Tom Rooney, Kyle Dempsey, Santiago Garces, Rob Ryan ’12, Meggan Muller ’13, Alexa Wilson ’13 and Laura (Verwilst) Perron. George Kiamos married Kait (Cunane) Kiamos in September with ND classmates in attendance. Congratulations to the happy couples. Meg Mirshak Butler and Brooks Butler welcomed their first daughter, Anna Brooks, on Oct. 30. They live in Atlanta where Meg has worked in marketing for Boys & Girls Clubs of America for four years. Meghan (Thornton) Lugo and Joel Lugo welcomed their daughter Brienne Elizabeth in August 2021. Brienne joins brother Finn and sister Rosanna Zamorano. Meghan realizes she forgot to send in a note when Rosanna was born in August 2019. The Lugo family resides in Akron OH. Mallory (Davidson) Wolff and Dan Wolff ’08 welcomed their daughter Mackenzie Elizabeth Wolff on Aug. 4. She joins big brother Hayes, 2, and dog brother Riggins. The Wolff family lives in sunny Seattle. Annie and Greg Abbracciamento welcomed their first daughter (and fourth child) Alessandra “Ali” Abbracciamento. She joins brothers Emmanuel, 5, Xavier, 4, and Marcus, 2. The family lives in Fort Mill SC. Congratulations to all the happy families and this strong cohort of daughters. I hope you are doing well in this new year. Send me your updates. Go Irish. — Matt Molloy; ndclass2010@gmail.com 


10MBA Historic Event 

Congratulations to Vivian Wong and Brendan Condon ’04, ’10MBA, who married in October at the double-moated 13th-century Hever Castle in Kent, England, which was the childhood home of Anne Boleyn. They got away for a honeymoon to Avignon, France, and are looking forward to buying a home in London this year. Brendan is a vice president at Deutsche Bank. Please keep the news coming. If you do not receive my quarterly requests, please email me to let me know. Go Irish. — John Gerberich; cell 847-331-4707; jgerberi@alumni.nd.edu


10JD Class SecretaryJennifer (Hernandez) Laffitte;

10310 Southwest 128th Ave., Miami FL 33186; res 305-322-7154; bus 786-762-3815; jherna11@alumni.nd.edu


11 See You this Fall

I hope your year is off to a phenomenal start. I also have my fingers crossed we will see you for the Class of 2011 11-year reunion this fall. Do not hesitate to reach out to learn more or get involved in the planning. Now for some fabulous class updates: Lauren Henderson and John Harig were married on May 22, 2021, in Cincinnati OH with their immediate family members in attendance and celebrated their wedding with friends and family at a reception at the Cincinnati Art Museum on Oct. 2. Wedding party Domers included Stephanie (Makar) Doheny, Heather Markel, Sarah Skillen, best man Jim Harig ’09, John Anders, Charles Campisi, Matt Gamber, Ryan McSweeney and Geoff Roberts. Others in attendance included Chrissy (Tofani) Bentz, Misha (Jodziewicz) Ziccarelli, Alex Barker, Ryan Calkin, Mike Henry, Liam Rhatigan, Tom Riley and Dan Woodhouse. The couple resides in Chicago, where they work as attorneys. Caitlin Ferraro and Charlie Blumberg were married in Mission Viejo CA on July 24 surrounded by their wonderful friends and family. Bridesmaids included Aleksandra (Koryzno) Breault and Ann-Marie (Woods) Strickland ’10. Also in attendance were Molly (Casanova) Harding, Pablo Martinez, Kyle Strickland ’08, Betsy (O’Neill) ’10 and Garrett Busch ’09, Katie (Motto) ’10 and Joe DeMott ’10, Rebecca Lischwe ’12, Meghan (Sweeney) and David Huff, Sara (Lamoreux) and Matt Peterson, Andrea (Fernandez) Roberts, Conor Rogers, Dustin Zhang, Tiffany Roberts ’07, Tony Roberts ’79, and Tracy ’82SMC and Chris Lynch ’82. It was quite the party. Chelsea (Clark) and Ty DeBoer welcomed their third child, Clark, in August. He joins sisters Margot and Cecily. Kelly and John Kramb welcomed their third child, Anna, in March 2020, and their fourth baby (third boy) in April 2021. John was promoted to Navy lieutenant commander and after completing his tour as a test pilot with VX-23. The family will be relocating to Iwakuni, Japan, in the fall to become part of VFA-195. Kelly continues to work for GE Aviation and requests prayers for an international move with a newborn. Bethany (Laubacher) and John O’Hollaren married on Sept. 19, 2020, at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Bend OR and welcomed their first child, Luke Francis O’Hollaren on Nov. 6, 2021. And that’s it. Until next time, resist the ordinary and do something extraordinary. Cheers. — Kate Clitheroe, class president; class11@nd.edu


11MBA Class Secretary Mimi Wilfong;

903-714-4988; mimitwilfong@gmail.com


11JD Class SecretaryLauren Sharkey ’08;



12 Professional Life Update

In September, Rev. Brian Kennedy, CSC, was assigned to live in Santiago, Chile, to work at Saint George’s College, a Congregation of Holy Cross PK-12 school where classmate and class secretary Tyler Harmsen also works. In December, he was named the new director of campus ministry for the school. Congratulations and welcome to Chile. — Tyler Harmsen; tharmsen@alumni.nd.edu


12MBA Class SecretaryJennafer Palumbo;



12JD Updates Galore

Hello, classmates. Thank you for sending me your updates. I appreciate them from the bottom and top of my heart. As is tradition, we begin with babies. Crista (Dittert) Hollingsworth and her husband Ralston had another baby girl in November, though Crista reports that she did most of the work. Brother Winston and sisters Darcy and Cora were excited to meet their new sister, Margaret, and welcome her into the family. Dante Tota and his wife, Kimberly, had their second daughter, Brooklyn Elizabeth, in December. Their eldest, Alexandra, is 2, and Dante reports that he loves winter babies because you get to spend plenty of time inside with them. It makes sense as the Totas are hunkered down surviving another Chicago winter. And in babies-to-come, Armando Montesino let me know that he and Yentl are expecting their first kiddo in June. Armando was so excited to share the news that he told me before I sent out the quarterly email asking for updates. I’m pretty sure he went back and deleted a bunch of exclamation points to tone down the email a little bit. Armando, next time leave those exclamation marks in. Moving on to weddings, Dan Herbster and Heidi (Robbins) Herbster tied the knot in Illinois in November. In addition to his newly married bliss, Dan is enjoying his transition out of the Army back into civilian life after six years of service and has started working as a financial advisor with Thrivent. Steph Rochel also got married in November, with the ceremony taking place at a family parish in the DC area followed by a reception at the Congressional Country Club. She and her husband, Justin Worden, were joined by several NDLS and ND alums, many of whom were involved in the ceremony and wedding party. Attendees included Sharon Lim, Caitlin Shetter, Jimmy Mitchell, Courtney Schoch, Carolyn Sweeney ’11JD and Megan Olmstead ’13. ND alums included Steph’s sister, Christine O’Connell and her husband, Jimmy O’Connell. Abraham Lincoln showed up at the reception (no, seriously, he did), and the couple took their honeymoon in Napa CA and French Polynesia. Sharon Lim reported that while in town for the wedding, she was able to stay with Emily (Martin) Felder and her husband, Cole Felder ’13, and finally meet their adorable daughter in person. Sharon found a crawlspace in the Felder home that they don’t seem to use much and plans on secretly living there until she can claim squatter’s rights. Sharon was also able to check in with Sana Din and her family in Maryland. Sharon also took a trip to LA for New Year’s Eve, where she saw Emily (again) and Brigette Dutra. Sharon believes that this was their first reunion since 2015. Finally, Alvin Adjei informs me that he and Reed Burritt14 have officially been crushing it with their BA Law Firm for three years down in Houston. He said that he assumes I would just turn his update into “some kind of cautionary tale about wood whittling,” which is a ridiculous thing to say. Everyone knows you can just say “whittling.” Saying “wood” is superfluous, because if it ain’t wood then you ain’t whittling. Anyway, Alvin’s latest exhibit, “Shavings of Springtime,” is on display outside the Whataburger on Silber Road in Houston, just past the Ikea. The semi-abstract installation is done primarily in hickory, and features what Alvin describes as “mostly ducks, but like if ducks were from a different planet or something and only kind of looked like the ducks we normally have.” It is truly a sight to behold, and I am not ashamed to say I wept when I saw it. That’s all, everyone. Keep sending me those updates throughout the quarter. — James Champlin; james.c.champlin@gmail.com


13 One Year Closer to Decade Reunion

Every January when I write this column it is an interesting experience. I’m writing within the shadow of the new year, with both the reflection of the past year and the new perspective of the upcoming year fresh in my mind. I also know that this won’t be read until spring, by which point the last year will be far in the rearview mirror and the current year so worn it’ll feel mundane again. If you’ll oblige me, I’d love to share some musings with you, in the hope that it’ll help at least a few of us take a minute to reflect. Feel free to skip to the updates if you’d rather not. This was probably the most inauspicious start to a new year I’ve had since I was a kid and Joe Wernke threw up on my sleeping bag. I was about five hours into a 10-hour drive, pumping gas into a rental car in rural West Virginia. My wife and I had been visiting Ivey and Ryan Lion in NYC when my daily rapid antigen test flipped positive. It was 4 p.m., Jan. 31. I had made it through a month treating COVID patients in June 2020 and months of working in the hospital without contracting COVID, but it was my excitement to see my family for Christmas that finally got me. With few last-minute hotel options and limited rental car options on the holiday weekend, my wife and I decided the safest thing would be to head home. I had a lot of time to reflect on the drive. At first it was a lot of guilt; how irresponsible was it to go to NYC during a COVID spike? What if Ryan and Ivey got it from me? But my musings gradually turned to how fortunate I was: I had a rapid test to inform me whether I was infectious toward my friends. (This was unfathomable a year ago.) I was fortunate to be asymptomatic. Mostly, I felt fortunate that after two isolating years, I still had friendships strong enough to welcome me into their home and answer the phone to keep me awake on a long drive. As I write this, I reflect, as I often do, on the strength of community and friendships I was blessed with through Notre Dame. Here’s to hoping 2022 can bring our focus back to the relationships and communities that restore us, and if you need someone to connect with, you’ve got my email. Alright, enough of my soliloquy, back to the updates. Meggan Muller was kind enough to send me multiple scoops, namely that Danny Kinasz married Kathleen Sullivan ’14SMC in April 2021 and celebrated with friends and family in July. Laura DiLuia married Jeff Michel in October 2021. We have no comment on whether there was a pumpkin spiced cake. Also, one of the nicest people I had the pleasure of knowing at Notre Dame, Cristina Couri, got engaged in May. Fellow Sorin otter Brett Wiener married Sophia Melone on July 24 in beautiful San Francisco. I got a wonderful email from Camille Sharrow-Blaum. She and her husband, Christian, had their first child, Marlow Fisher Sharrow-Blaum, born Oct. 23. Legend has it that she was born at the exact moment of the ND-USC kickoff, which I think we all remember to be a most excellent game. Talk about an auspicious start to life, that kid is going places. Brittany (Nieswander) Shannon and her husband RJ welcomed their child Joseph Edward Shannon Oct. 14. There’s probably some conclusion I could make from being born on a bye weekend, but I think that’s probably stretching the football-ism a little much. Finally, Lindsey Marugg and her husband, Brian, adopted Rory the Corgi. According to Lindsey, he’s a handsome gentleman who loves toy ropes, accounting and pawditing, and making humans (especially his dad) talk to him like he’s a baby. That’s all I got folks. If you send me more updates, I won’t go on self-reflective monologues you didn’t ask for, I promise. Or, if you’d prefer next time, I can tell an embarrassing childhood story about that no-good lawyer in the column above mine. Cheers. — Chris Champlin; nd2013updates@gmail.com


13MBA The Latest News

Michelle Purvis checked in to say that she got engaged to her girlfriend, Alex Marcell. Hopefully, they can pull off a wedding sometime in 2022. Michelle is the SVP of HR at Dairy Management, Inc. They live in Chicago but are moving to Oak Park in the coming months and would love to catch up with classmates in the area. By the time you read this, Michelle and Joe Alvarado will have welcomed their fourth child, a son, born in March. Their first three kids were baptized in the Basilica at Notre Dame. Joe continues his Muay Thai training and recently launched a real estate investment business in the greater Chicagoland area. Rick Marsh reported that he remains in Phoenix with his wife and four kids. He still works at Intel, currently as the finance FPNA director of Asia manufacturing factories. He’s got a two-month sabbatical coming up and will travel to Alaska where he’s hoping to catch a lot of fish. Outside work, he stays busy chasing after his kids and serving as a lay bishop for his church congregation. The next set of updates is due April 16. Let me know what’s going on in your life. — Nick Imgrund; 314-775-7364; daimgrund@yahoo.com


13JD Class SecretaryAlex Blair;



14 The Days Are Longer

Winter, with its short, cold, dark days, has a way of reminding us how many things are a struggle. Whether we struggle with work, our relationships, our self-esteem, our endless to-do lists, our faith, finding the one brand of chips we like at the grocery (darn supply chain) or the fact that we are entering year three of this pandemic, everything seems a bit harder in winter. With all that, there is beauty: Christmas lights, the sparkle of new snow, the cozy feeling of a mug of hot chocolate in your hands, warm socks and warmer hugs, and the honor of being a part of a community that deeply, truly, shares love, joy and acceptance with each other. To that end, it is my pleasure to bring you this issue’s announcements. First, Anne Marie Crowell and Brian Vogt tied the knot in Falmouth MA in September and were able to share their celebration with a wonderful crew under a star-filled sky. Dea Satrio has big news as well; she wed Vincent Vu in Austin TX in November, and they purchased a house together. Also in Texas in November, Blake Weaver and Nicholas Rodriguez celebrated their marriage. Congratulations to Anne Marie and Brian, Dea and Vincent, and Blake and Nicholas. We are grateful that you shared this wonderful news with us. But wait, there’s more. We are happy to announce that Connor (Sullivan) and Pat Touhy welcomed a new member to the Irish family. Liam Sullivan Touhy was born in the middle of December. Continue to share light and joy with each other, and with me. I wish you all the very best. — Lizzie (Helpling) Trebbien; 513-470-9723; ehelplin@alumni.nd.edu


14MBA Class Secretary Jessica Bonanno;

407-808-7148; jbonanno@alumni.nd.edu; Krick Cahill; 518-598-4222; kcahill1@alumni.nd.edu


14JD Class SecretaryRachel Hanley;



15 Wedding Bells

Quinn Horvath and Cate Kennel were married on Oct. 16 in Portland OR with seven Notre Dame alumni in their wedding party. Congratulations, you two. — Emily Flores; eflores2@alumni.nd.edu


15MBA Class Secretary Valeriano Lima;



15JD Spring 2022 Update

Another Class of 2015 couple has tied the knot. Audra (Passinault) Blodgett and John Blodgett were married on Aug. 12. They moved to Grand Rapids where Audra is working as an assistant prosecuting attorney with the Kent County Prosecutor’s Office and John is working as a research attorney for the Michigan Appellate Court. Two Evelyns joined the NDLS 2015 family. Kyle Munns and his wife, Lauren, (married in 2020) welcomed their daughter, Evelyn Virginia Munns, on Jan. 9. Kyle and his family live outside Boston. He is practicing at Bowditch & Dewey’s estate planning and administration group in Boston. My husband, Kevin Murphy ’14JD, and I welcomed Evelyn Rose Murphy on Nov. 24. Kevin and I moved back to South Bend in Fall 2021. If you are in town for games or a visit to campus, please reach out. More importantly, please send me your professional and personal updates so I can share them here. — Alisa Finelli Murphy; alisafinelli@gmail.com  


16 See You at Reunion

Cheers to all our recently engaged couples: Bianca Almada and Brandon Liebhaber; Annie Cahill and Nick Hauser; Carson Canonie and Reed Curtis; Molly DeTrempe and Michael Buono; Claire Haney and Keith Padgett; Clare Kessler ’17 and Stephen Scobee; Hope Moon and Matt Borowiak; Brigid Mumford and Dan Pelzman; Alexis Olson and Brenden Forte; Brigid Pikus and Michael Ropp; Courtney Ross and Alex Rizk; and Christina Wu and Brian Miller. Congratulations to our recently married classmates: Kelsey Amorosa and Kevin Schneider15; Maggie Bowers and Austin Marquardt; Candace Castillo and Kevin Lee; Caroline Corsones and Jack Rooney; Emily Cunningham and Michael Boyle (Rev. Pete McCormick, CSC, presided at the Basilica), Ellen Dahlby and Cesar Salas; yours truly Bridget Doyle and Jack Hanle; Clarice Juska and Kevin Fox; Elizabeth Kelly and Quinn O’Connell ’15; Meg Kingsley and Leighton Peters; Tessa Laubacher and Josh Bryant; Caitlin O’Connor and Joe Mueller ’15; Leah Perczak and Jason Ellinwood; Meg Sorlie and Zac Cockman; Anna Szentirmai and Jackson Bruhn; Nicole Thieken and Joe Norby; Crystal Thomas and Sam Spivey; and Trisha Utter and Andre Archer. Please keep the baby pictures on social media coming. Congratulations to our new parents: Maddy (Luteran) and Jeff Agar; Sarah (Enciso) and John Fuller ’15; Melissa (Poczatek) and Tyler Kim; Zoe (Rote) and Adam Kourajian; Daisy (Costello) ’17 and John Lake with their second boy; Madi (King) and Marc Prather with their second boy; Gabriella and Diego Rayas; Mackenzie and Joe Salvi; Kristin (Ryan) ’17MS and Brian Spahn; and Molly (St. Romain) ’15MEd and Zach Zamora. John Lake is an active-duty cyber officer stationed at Fort Gordon GA, and works as a crew lead in the cyber protection brigade. Laura Anderson started a new position as director of neurorehabilitation at a rehab center treating patients after stroke and traumatic brain injury. Emily (Cunningham) Boyle is a second-year MBA candidate at U of Chicago and husband Mike works at Radio Flyer as a product development engineer. Kelsey Collett is graduating from Washington U in St. Louis with her MSW. Colin Devine lives in North Carolina with wife Becca (Self) and two daughters. He is co-founder and COO of BotBuilt, which uses robotics to transform the construction industry to create affordable and sustainable housing. Jack Fazzino works as a municipal counsel and civil attorney with Cohen & Wolf PC and was recently elected to the town council of Berlin CT. Gracie Gallagher will pursue her MBA at Wharton this August. Matt Greene works as associate director of admissions at Holy Cross and writes for One Foot Down. Mary Haley joined the global partnerships team at Bumble. Carolina Jimenez finished her MBA at IE Business School in Madrid and works at Dyson there. Shannon Kraemer lived in Madrid for a bit but returned to the US to join startup M&A Science. Tanya Khokhar teaches HS math in Indianapolis and owns Parched, a sustainable smoothie and juice shop. Alexandra (DeSanctis) Marr is publishing a book called Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing. DeJorie Monroe works as an elementary dual language immersion teacher in South Carolina and as marketing operations coordinator at Urbanforce/Generator Power Systems Inc. She was recently named ND’s first Charles B. Rangel Graduate Fellow. Cari Roccaro has played for the NWSL’s NC Courage for four years but will join Angel City FC for its inaugural season. In New Hampshire, Jack Rooney is deputy local news editor for The Keene Sentinel and Caroline (Corsones) Rooney teaches language arts at Lebanon Middle School. Mary Schlegel was announced as the MentorcliQ 2021 Diversity ChangeMaker of the Year. You can find Tommy Schneeman performing live at the Laugh Factory or Zanie’s in Chicago basically any night of the week. Please listen to his podcast, Roommates in Law. Toni Schreier works for Elsevier in Massachusetts as an HR manager. Liesl Schroedl is in residency at Northshore U Health System. Daniel Vasallo, co-founder of CRCL Solutions, was named to Forbes’ 2022 30 Under 30 list. CRCL Solutions helps enhance the profitability and reliability of renewable energy. Kathy Wadolowski works as a communications specialist for NYU Stern. Genevieve Bradford ran the LA Marathon. Cooper Cohen finished his second full-distance Ironman, fifth Ironman 70.3, and first world championship event. He earned Ironman All-World Athlete Gold status by finishing the year in the top one percent in his age group. Emily Horton ran the Cambridge Half. Audrey Kelly ran her first trail race in November, placing first with a course record. Mareid Dunne, Victoria DeFina, Will Geoghegan, Maureen Keating, Audrey Kelly and Molly Seidel ran the NYC Marathon. Molly Seidel received the USAFT Wing Award for breakout performer of the year for her breakthrough bronze in the Olympic Marathon. Thanks to Rev. Alex White, CSC, ’16, ’24MDiv for his reflection in the FaithND newsletter. A correction from last season: Austin Hunt is trying to get repped for TV writing in LA. He does not work for ICM. Email me, I’d love to hear from you. Better yet, see you at Reunion 2022. — Bridget Doyle; bdoyle3@alumni.nd.edu


16MBA More Baby News

Jane and Brian Noh welcomed their daughter Ella Seowoo Noh on Nov. 8. Big brother Logan is excited to have a sister. The family resides in Sunnyvale CA. — Claire Kenney; 734-751-2354; ckenney2@alumni.nd.edu; Kelly Rubey; 952-270-7830; kelly.rubey@nd.edu 


16JD Class SecretaryMack Watson;



17 Five Years Later

Soon, it will be five years since we lived under the Dome within walking distance from our friends and generally with few cares. Much has changed since then, but we can call the Dome home again for our reunion June 2-5. We hope to see many of you there. Until then, here are the coming and goings of our classmates. Daniel Marti entered the Pascagoula Benedictine Monastery as a postulant. Michelle (Lacouture) and Jimmy Perry welcomed their first baby late last year and Daisy (Costello) and John Lake ’16 welcomed their second boy in December. Louis A. Bertolotti married Yajahira Mariell Cordova ’17SMC on Nov. 6 in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Many classmates celebrated with them. Mary Driewer married Zack Gonzalez in January. Celeste (Castillo) married Mark Kinney in September. Vanessa Solórzano married Guillermo Alvarez in March. Elena Silla married Zack Crafton in December. Congratulations to our newly engaged couples: Emily McCusker and Balazs Szegletes; Kristen Zavertnik and Nate McKeon; Kristen Ringwall and Sean Damico; Molly Iott and David Uhlenhake; Ryan Casserly and Emily Affinito; Noah Eldridge and Jane Powell; Ashley Knipp and Scott Piekarsk; Alexis Stefaniak and Alex Clark; Adam Degand and Maggie Vache; Sinead O’Donovan and Craig Chval ’15; Kelly Kaes and George McCabe; Casey Baker and Kyle Middleton. If you would like to send updates or celebrate a friend, please contact me. — Celanire Flagg; cflagg@alumni.nd.edu


17MBA Class SecretaryMary Tomasik;



17JD Points of Pride

I received one update from Nick Grace’s pals, who requested that I update you all on the following: Nicholas Grace continues a fulfilling career in New York, where he has met his life partner, Iris. In addition to purchasing their first home together, Nick is the proud owner of a certified pre-owned Jaguar. (Importantly, the best thing about a used Jag is that it seems exotic and expensive, but the value plummets, versus something like a Porsche 911). — Lauren Nottoli; laurennottoli@gmail.com


18 Celebrate with You

Hey, Class of 2018 family. (No strange fake southern accent needed.) It’s been several eventful months on campus and in the lives of our classmates. We’re thrilled to receive so many updates from y’all across the country and the world. We hope that you continue to send things in so that we can celebrate with you. Cheers to our recently engaged or married couples. Erin Turley and Owen Lane got engaged on Oct. 24 after six years together. Owen proposed in their favorite bookstore in Chicago, Unabridged Bookstore, on a rainy afternoon. Steven Jessen-Howard and Megan McAdoo got engaged on Dec. 31. Brent Marin and Tracey Schirra are engaged and plan to be married on June 25 in Tracey’s hometown of Butler PA. Sarah Herzog became engaged to Stephen Hicks ’16 on Oct. 29. They will return to Notre Dame to be married in December. This past fall, Robin (Seay) Kruger started her fourth year as a PhD student in cell and molecular biology at Michigan State U. Robin also is excited to announce that she got married last June to her high school sweetheart, Adam. Erin Rose (Howard) Brown married Derrick Lee Brown in Albuquerque on Aug. 28. Alex Kerschner married Maddie Organ in Milwaukee on Sept. 4. They are excited to officially start their lives together. Go Irish. — Matthew Peters; mgpeters96@gmail.com


18MBA Class Secretary – Patrick McHail;



19 Life Changes

Thanks for tuning in for another edition of Class of 2019 Class Notes. We have a few updates for you this quarter. Colleen Fink moved to Monterey CA from Omaha NE to work on the 2023 US Women’s Open at Pebble Beach. Kaelyn Diesslin welcomed a baby in 2021 and is starting a new job. Anthony Smyth and Claren Hesburgh were married in August in Greenwich CT. Congrats to all. Keep us in mind if you or your classmates have life updates so they can be featured in our next class column. — Michael Conlon, Dan Hopkinson, Jane Driano and Eddie Griesedieck; classof2019@alumni.nd.edu


19JD Class SecretaryKatherine Miller; Portland OR;
