
60 Ian and More

Thank you to those who called and sent notes during Hurricane Ian last October. It was quite the exciting time to live through the two-day storm. And it wasn’t even on our Bucket List. All street-level cars were totaled from the salt water up 3 or 4 feet on the cars. For several days we had no car, no water, no electricity, no internet, one bar on the phone or no service at all. We found our way to Baltimore for a couple of weeks before returning to FLA. Remediation continues! From Leo Gorman: “We hope your building and your unit came through ‘Ian’ with minimal damage and that you did not lose power for too long. I was Tim Carroll’s roommate for two and a half years at Notre Dame. I stayed in contact with Tim and knew the story of Tim getting lost on one of his recent winter hikes in Arizona. I am a sailor and still enjoy sailing on the Chesapeake. I sailed at ND as a member of the ND Sailing Club. So, I was particularly interested in seeing the pictures of the havoc wreaked on so many sailboats and powerboats that call southwest Florida home. The damage is a testament to the power of wind and surge that a hurricane can produce.  So sad! All the best to you and thank you for the good work you do as our class secretary.” While looking for Lost Classmates, Patrick McNamara recalled an incident regarding Laszlo Korbuly at ROTC summer camp at Ft. Riley KS in August 1969. I last saw him and another cadet in the gathering darkness firing on the run a 30 Cal. water-cooled, tripod-mounted machine gun across a hilltop in a company assault. After that, he was known in our platoon as “Kombat Korbuly!” I got a nice note from Charlie Riehm: “Things here are going well for Edie (a great teacher!) and for me. Depressing to read about those less fortunate among our classmates! I talked to Richvalsky—he’s doing great and still skiing for crying out loud! Also, just heard Bob Frassanito has developed macular degeneration which affects his forward vision, and apparently, they can’t halt it. Sorry, you get no sympathy for having tendinitis while you are cruising the Southern Caribbean. Being there is most of the game! We just had a great cruise on the Rhine, which is now going dry. Also went to Glacier — my kind of park!” From Fred Gade: “Diane and I recently celebrated our 57th wedding anniversary, about as long as Gretchen and Mike McKee’s marriage plans that took 53 years to develop. Mike and I were the only ’60s guys in the traveling Glee Club for all four years. Mike sang the part of Tony and I the part of Doc in “ Most Happy Fella!” — the Senior Year Musical under the direction of Fr. Arthur Harvey, CSC, ’47. Diane, a Catholic girl from Detroit attending U of Michigan, was asked by my Jewish friend if she wanted to meet a “nice Catholic boy from Notre Dame” when they met at a mixer in the Law School Quad at U of M. She said yes and the rest is history.” From Richard Krachun: “Sad to hear the news of George Izo’s passing. Since I only spent two years at ND I can only remember the guys that were in my dorms or classes. George was in Howard the same year as I was and I think he worked delivering the mail so he knew everyone. Since my wife died of Alzheimer’s, I realize how nasty it can be for the family. I’m not going to the Mini-reunion in September, legs not that great, and the only guys I remember were from the third floor of St. Ed’s.” Richard Juliani and I exchanged emails last year. Just trying to remember the good old days. Joseph F. Jansen; 9190 Southmont Cove #103, Fort Myers FL 33908; 317-514-4478; jfjansen@aol.com


61 Literary Giants

Dick Lochner has written a new book entitled I Am Your Constant. It is an interactive book that he says will fill your heavenly treasure chest. He is not referring to himself, but to the fact that our loving Creator never leaves us. When we stray, He is always there awaiting our return. It matters only that we repent; His Mercy is endless. He says, “This was our foundation at ND and the book is a return to that nexus.” As you know, we have had several of our mates write about their children attending and graduating. I welcome those letters. I have a son who graduated in ’90. As a result, every time I write about someone with multiple grads, I keep hearing the ring of a cash register in my ears, and I can only imagine what it costs now. My son, Marty, told his sisters “I don’t know why dad and mom sent me to such a hard school.” I thought it was his idea. So, if you are so moved, email me your own story. Dennis Retoske has emailed me weighing in on USMC classmates. In the summer of 1960, 13 of our class NROTC Marine option candidates. They were: Ed Able (d), Tom Carpenter, Jerry Crowley, Noret Flood (d), Tom Geil, Al Gleason (d), John Hamlon, Frank Keough (d), Dan Leucke, Don Mars Frank McGuane, Mike Mullen and Dennis. Tom Conneely wrote to me saying that Dick Hendricks died on July 15. They met as pre-med students when we were freshmen. Tom and Dick worked on several projects at ND as members of the Student Government Social Committee. Tom was chairman of the Mardi Gras Ball our senior year and Dick was part of the committee. Dick was an Otolaryngologist (I think my computer almost exploded trying to spell that) in Templeton CA and retired a couple of years ago. Tom says he was a real nice gentleman. I heard from Tim Gorman ’60 that James D. Uhull died on April 10 in Albuquerque NM.  He is survived by his wife Mary Ann. Tim and Jim were high school buddies in Peoria. Please remember these deceased classmates and their families in your prayers. While you are at it, please pray for each other. We have reached that age if you know what I mean. And I know that you do…ouch. A friend of mine down here was complaining about some aches and I asked what it was from. He said he has A-G-E. Abbie is finally showing some improvement after left ankle surgeries and much painful physical therapy but I don’t think for a minute that she’s not at the door with the latch string out. Once or twice I have seen her with a pair of binoculars scouring the horizon wondering when she will see you. If you are not coming this way drop us an email and tell us what you are doing at home during this pandemic. — Joseph P. (“Pat”) Kelly; 2103 N. Wheeler St., Victoria TX 77901; 361-573-9982; jpkellytx@gmail.com


61JD Class Secretary John N. Moreland;



62 Winter Updates

Dick Schimpf retired from his law practice after 55 years, 35 of which were with his own fine attorney firm. Dick, who splits his time between Cincinnati and Hilton Head SC, says he can be found on a golf course about three times per week and still gets to a couple of home games a year. Dick’s oldest is an ’86 Domer. About a year ago, I touched upon three members of the class who went to work in long-established family businesses after graduation. Another is Joe Gallo, with whom I had breakfast with the last morning of the reunion. Joe said he started at the winery working in the vineyards during grade school. As time went on, he got involved in the distribution of the Gallo products in certain markets in California. After ND, Joe went to Stanford Business School to get a broader perspective of business in general. Upon graduation, he began to travel the country and “opened up various markets where we did not have distribution.” Joe said that the Gallo brand was probably in distribution in less than half of the US and it took about five years to complete their national expansion. “After this was accomplished, we began to sell our products in different markets around the world. Today we sell to about 95 different countries.” In answer to a question as to whether he had an “aha moment!” where all the pieces came together, Joe said, “After many years in the business, I was very confident I could be a successful CEO of the company. I took my father’s advice and just did the obvious.” Joe became the CEO around 2000. Since that time, sales have increased about fourfold and he pointed out he feels the success was due to the company’s core values: integrity, respect, humility, innovation, commitment, and teamwork. In talking about the company’s growth since graduation, Joe said that upon leaving ND, “I never envisioned the company the way it is today. It has grown in so many directions, which was hard to envision at the time.” Looking back, Joe said the one thing he would have done differently would have been to be more aggressive in developing and buying brands in the luxury price segment. In many family businesses, succession can make or break a company. Joe agreed by saying, “Succession is one of the most challenging and important functions that every company eventually faces. I consider it almost an art form to determine who should have that position.” Joe and Ofelia have three children, two of whom are Domers. Joe stepped back as CEO a little over two years ago and his role today is vice president and executive director of the winery board. Their son, Ernest, who was the company’s chief operating officer for two years, is now the CEO. Jerry McKenna said he completed a sculpture of Ben Franklin leaning on a corn broom for the town of Arcola IL. Figuring there was more to the story, and learning that Pat Monahan was the “project director,” I delved further. It turns out Pat has frequent bouts of whimsy, for which there is no known cure. It is true that Franklin promoted broomcorn, but according to Pat’s interpretation of history, the plaque (for which he does not deny authorship) is based on what Franklin could have thought and reads: “I see these magic seeds eventually being planted in mid-America’s great prairie. I see an amazing community planting so many of these seeds that it is named ‘Broom Corn Capital of the World.’ I see broom manufacturers, broom corn brokers, and a broom corn trade publication located in this community. I see this community celebrating the broom corn harvest with a great festival. I see prosperity. This community shall be called ARCOLA.” My Sunday messages are sent via the University email server. Several have asked why they are not receiving them. If you are not receiving these emails, please let me know. Joe Baroody died June 5 in Maryland. John Brenzel passed away on Aug. 14 in Louisville. William E. “Bill” Klein, who resided in Stillwater MN, died later that month on the 18th. Pete Curtin passed away on Sept. 13 in the San Diego area. Pete had wanted to attend the reunion but could not arrange dialysis treatments. Dave Hannah died on the 21st in Houston. — Raymond Raedy; 5310 Rileys Ridge Road, Hillsborough NC 27278; 919-967-8816; nd62secy@medicinemanremedies.com


62JD Class SecretaryTom Kelly;



63 Farewell to Old Friends

Daryle Lamonica died April 21 in Fresno CA. Daryle was drafted by both the Green Bay Packers and Buffalo Bills (which was possible prior to the NFL merger in 1966) and signed with the Bills. He later joined the Oakland Raiders where he had a stellar career. He held two of the top three single-season passing touchdown records with the Raiders. Named the “Mad Bomber” by Howard Cosell, he played for 12 years before retiring. He was the “ultimate outdoorsman,” enjoying hunting and fishing and spending time with his grandchildren attending their school events. He is survived by his wife, Mary, two sons, six grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Randolph “Randy” English Wise, CDR USN Retired, died on March 27 in Virginia Beach. Randy was profiled in the spring 2022 issue of this magazine. Rev. Pat Cawley reported that Bob Gannon died on June 5 from complications of ALS. Father Pat said he truly “ran the race, fought the fight, and kept the faith all the way to the end.” Bob and Father Pat were roommates during our junior year in Pangborn Hall. They shared good times with Jorge Uribe, Walt Banas, Regis Canfield, Mike Sullivan, and others. In Father Pat’s words, “Bob was a good and decent person; he loved his late wife, his children, and Notre Dame.” Mike Sullivan earned a PhD from the U of Massachusetts, was a longtime educator (35 years as a high school math teacher), and helped establish the first STEM school in Alabama for disadvantaged young women. John F. Butkovich died on April 30 in South Bend. He earned an electrical engineering degree from the University and received a JD in 1968 from Salmon P. Chase Law School of Northern Kentucky U. John retired in March 2020 from the University where he worked as an attorney in the Development department. Prior to that, he practiced law in Cincinnati in the workers’ compensation field. John is survived by his loving wife, Mary Ann, whom he married in 1965. He had two sons, one daughter, and five grandchildren. John was a former executive director, board member, and longtime supporter of Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph County. He also served as the president of the Kennedy Heights Community Council in Cincinnati. Tom Vecchione retired after 50 years of plastic surgery practice in San Diego. He received his MD degree at Ohio State ’67, his general surgery at USC ’72, and worked in general plastic surgery in San Diego from 1974–2021. Tom was a founding member of Mercy Outreach Surgical Team 1981–2022, repairing birth defects and operating on needy children in Mexico. His daughter, Gina Vecchione ’97, is a Domer. Tom and his wife, Sylvia, live in Point Loma, San Diego. Len Forys died Sept. 1 in Newark NJ of heart failure. He majored in electrical engineering at Notre Dame and received an MS at MIT and a PhD at the U of California in Berkeley, both in engineering. He spent most of his career at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Holmdel NJ and Bellcore. He leaves his wife, Ronda Potter, a mathematician whom he met at Bell Labs, with two daughters and two stepdaughters. Leonel R. Felteau died on June 23 at the age of 81 in Centennial CO, survived by his wife, Anne, and two children, Wes and Doug. His first child, Leo III, died at the age of 31. Leo was a financial adviser who cared greatly about his family. The Alumni Association has advised of the deaths of the following members of our class: Michael E. Queenan died on Jan. 5, 2022, survived by two children and one grandchild; Donald J. Schade passed March 10, survived by his wife, Marsha, and four children; Michael M. Mashuda died March 5, survived by his wife, Judith, and four children; Timothy R. Brennan died on March 26, survived by his wife, Hilary, and three children; and Thomas N. O’Brien died on Jan. 31. — John F. Dougherty Jr.; 915 Exeter Crest, Villanova PA 19085; 215-510-0844; johndoc969@gmail.com


63JD Class SecretaryBob Saxe;

15725 Ranchero Drive, Morgan Hill CA 95037; bsaxe5@aol.com


64 Zoom Is the New Party Line 

Increasingly, that’s the case as classmates conduct informal “mini-reunions” via Zoom. One of the largest and most active groups includes Nick Muller, Pat Callahan, Bill Chapman, Gene DeAgostino, Ken Stinson, Jack McCabe, Frank Fee, John Hargrove, Ed Dunn, Dick Kennedy, Barry Curtin, Don Stephan, and a rotating cast (sometimes including yours truly as class scribe). This crew met recently to talk, would you believe, football and life after conference realignment. In the spirit of always room for one more, any classmate interested in joining the next call, send an email to Nick at ngmuller1@gmail.com. I ran into Barbara and Frank Fee over the Cal weekend. Frank is still the youngest-looking member of our class. We capitalized on the opportunity to catch up, our first interaction since we met at the Bruce Tuthill funeral a year ago. 2022 has been quite the year for Gino DeAgostino. He turned 80 and a few months later he and Pat celebrated 50 years of wedded bliss. They were joined by four loving daughters, four great sons-in-law, and 14 wonderful grandchildren in private celebrations. They are a family of 24, unique in that all live within 14 miles of each other in Oakland County MI. Gene also celebrated 54 years in the practice of law. A late bulletin from Terry Kollman. He has partnered with PNC Bank on something called “Suitcases for Ukraine.” They fill the suitcases with first aid materials and flak jackets for the families fleeing the bombing. These are then trucked from Fort Lauderdale to O’Hare and then flown into Poland and Ukraine. Kudos to Terry and friends! From Frisco TX comes news of Tom Gerlacher. For a guy who describes his life as “relatively unexciting but highly rewarding,” Tom is a busy boy. He still maintains his tax practice (80 clients) and is an active leader on the board of his “over 55” development in Frisco with 3,000 homes and a huge budget. All three kids graduated from ND and are doing well. Tom relishes the opportunity to return to campus for reunion visits. NROTC co-conspirator Dave Garner reports on an enjoyable lunch with his old roomie, Mike Mayer. Lots of catching up and swapping lies about Mike’s golf and Dave’s tennis accomplishments. Dave, a former Marine and retired colonel, had previously shared with me a reflective piece on his 1999 return to Vietnam almost 35 years after his first “visit” as a young Marine just out of ND. His description of Christmas Eve Mass in 1965 in a small village south of Da Nang is poignant, especially for the many classmates who celebrated Christmas, one year or another, in that neck of the woods. On that evening (and upon his return), Dave visited a grotto much like the one he had visited so frequently at Notre Dame. I am happy to forward Dave’s email tale, “A Warrior Returns to Notre Dame,” to any and all who ask. Linus Portman died of cancer in May in Bridgeton MO. A chemistry major, Linus was employed as an electrical engineer at McDonnell Douglas and one other firm for a total of 41 years. He was an avid sailor, an amateur astronomer, and a lover of classical music. He leaves behind his wife of 55 years, Mary Lee, four children, and four grandchildren. Pete Kump of La Quinta CA passed in July. A Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient as a USMC captain, Pete spent 40 years working for Chevron in postings both domestic and international. His hobbies included tennis, golf, rugby, and lots of travel. He worked tirelessly to establish and serve as a board member of the Marine Corps Memorial Foundation in Quantico and is survived by his wife Lindy, two sons, and two grandchildren. Finally, we lost Mike Bradley of Shreveport in August. He served in Vietnam, retiring as a USAF colonel in 1996, followed by an additional 10 years in civil service. Mike was intensely committed to community service and volunteerism. He leaves behind his wife of 46 years, Lien, two children, and two grandchildren. — Paul R. Charron; 44 Contentment Island Road, Darien CT 06820; 917-860-5385; paul.richard.charron@gmail.com

64JD Class Secretary Richard Balfe Wagner;

1204 Erskine Manor Hill, South Bend IN; 574-299-9888; 760-567-1270


65 Accomplished Author

William Joe Palmer has retired from Purdue U after 41 years of teaching literature and film as a professor of English. He is a Double Domer with a PhD earned in 1969. To his credit, he has five academic books on subjects like Charles Dickens and John Fowles. In July, his 11th fiction novel, Golf. Tennis. Murder., was published. These novels have been multiple book club selections and have been translated and published in Spanish and Japanese. They have attracted several film options, but none have made it into production. Joe and his wife of 56 years, Maryann, of 56 years live in West Lafayette and winter in LA. They have three daughters (Christine ’90, Jill ’99), six grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Jim Jennings writes that Vince Mattera has moved to central Florida to live near his daughter. Susan ’66SMC and Phil Haley spend winters in Naples FL and summers in the Minneapolis area. Phil is a retired orthopedic surgeon, and they recently visited us while traveling in the Pacific Northwest. Phil lived in the basement of Sorin College next to my turret room shared with Don Zone and Nass Cannon (RIP). Sue and my wife, Kathleen ’66SMC, were college roommates. Fortunately, Hurricane Ian did not seriously damage their Naples home. Same was true for Beth and Tom Hawkins who are retired in Naples but happened to be out of state when the storm struck. Tom is an ob-gyn physician. Diane and Carl Giombetti live in Berwyn PA outside of Philadelphia. He is a pediatrician and still works two days a week at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and volunteers at a free clinic in the area. Carl writes that Ray Burke is living in Connecticut while retired from his NYC law practice, and Jim Burke is also retired and reportedly living somewhere in North Carolina. Jim and his wife, Cathy, have a son, Richard ’94. In July, Tom Coursey passed away peacefully at home, surrounded by his family. He is survived by his two children including Robin ’01 and four grandchildren. His wife, Joy, predeceased him. After earning his JD at the U of Kansas, Tom served in the Peace Corps in Venezuela and returned home to become staff counsel with the Legal Aid Society. Eventually, he entered the private practice of law in Kansas City until retirement in 2006. At his funeral, Margaret Stevens ’01 sang the alma mater, and his son-in-law, Chris Jenson ’99, played the fight song. In August, Stephen Werner died in Clarkston MI from esophageal cancer. After medical school, he served in the Navy on the submarine USS Ethan Allen. Later, he trained to become an orthopedic hand surgeon and was a member of the National Ski Patrol Hall of Fame with recognition as an outstanding instructor, administrator, and patroller. He is survived by his wife, Karen, four sons (Matthew ’90, Derek ’92, and Jason ’93), and five grandchildren. Steve Van Heyde of Columbus OH writes that his wife, Nancy, and Steve Werner’s wife, Karen, were college roommates and that Steve struggled hard to be at our delayed 55th Reunion last June. Also deceased are Jack Mattingly in September and Gene Penman in June. — James P. Harnisch MD; 6759 West Mercer Way; Mercer Island WA 98040; jphnd65@hotmail.com


65JD Class SecretaryHenry Boitel;

324 Brower Ave., Rockville Centre NY 11570; boitel@mindspring.com


66 Can It Be ’23!

Made my 60th high school reunion in October, reconnecting with mates, including some fellow ’66 ND grads from Bishop McGuinness HS in OKC. I saw Bob Luetkemeyer, retired in OKC following a successful stint in telecom, with a passel of kids and grandkids, looking hale. Dr. Ken Khoury, retired in San Diego after a career in psychiatry, was there. He and his spouse Lori enjoy their vacation home near Palm Springs. I had a September lunch with Dr. Terry Forster and his wife, Peg. Terry did research with Wyeth Pharm and practiced allergy medicine in Bucks County PA. Now retired, they are building here on the Cape. I golfed in October with Luke McGuinness on Martha’s Vineyard. Retired and living in Chicago, Luke and Gail have a home on the water there. Mike Rush sent word from South Bend of Bob Riviello’s October interment at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors, and related Fran and Dick Martiny’s residing in Ellicott City MD and travel to California for a family visit. Esteemed ’66 prez Cap Gagnon was working on his golf game and executing bridge grand slams. He related that Jack Pavlic had Ian-related devastation in Naples but survived in good shape. Cap sees Larry Dwyer on campus in his role as assistant ND Band director and music teacher and noted that Regis Amann was in from the Bay Area for Cal with his wife Setsuko and that Doug Ford’s generously endowed ND Ford Program in Human Development Studies and Solidarity in Africa was feted at a campus event in October. Tim Streb, out San Fran way, shared that he retired in ’09 from a banking career that took him to LA, Brussels, Chicago, and Tokyo. Tim spent last summer in his and Caren’s Paris apartment. Happily, Tim is recovered from a bout with the Big C, but unfortunately, Caren has Alzheimer’s and is in a memory care facility. Tim attended the Cal game and met with Kathy and Gus Rini, Katy and Tom Belden, and Ann and Jamie Toohey. Jamie, a former ND rugger, is a retired Chicago trial attorney, and Ann is an airline attendant, which affords major travel, including a November trip to Paris. Tom B. of the Brick family that helped build many ND buildings is practicing law in Cleveland. He and Katy enjoy seeing their two ND grad sons. Gus is a defense attorney in Cleveland and Kathy is in admin at Gilmour Academy. Tim missed connecting with Cap and Frank Murtha, noted for his awesome ND tailgates. Frank heads the new Major League Football, launched last spring. Tim saw Rosemary and Dave “George” Rentschler in Chicago, who spend most of their time in Utah skiing and biking. They keep their NYC apartment and stay close to their son Mark and two grandkids. Tim heard from Bill Wentworth, also at the Cal game with John McDermott. Bill enjoyed success in insurance in the Detroit area and along with partner Leslie, is traveling the world. Tim mentioned Shirley and Tom Begley, residing in St. Pete, also with a home in Cleveland, and Paul Fieberg in Bend OR with Patty. Feebs is recovering well from a major car accident. Tim added that Dr. Ed O’Connor is practicing neurology in LA and enjoying life with his USC grad wife, Laura. Class web guru Jack Gerken reported on the soiree the ND Niles HS crew in Chicago had for its 60th the night before the Marshall game. Included were grads Steve Aufmuth, Jim Blum, Terry Kiwala, and Ray Neihengen from Chicago; Jerry Erbach and Bill Scanlon from the DC area; Fr. Joe Landauer from Pitt; Jim Starshak from HI; and Tom Trebat from Brazil. COVID sidelined John Devona from Chicago and Bob Schwartz from Nashville. Also unable to make it were Al Loboy, Portland OR; Rich Hamill, Kingman AZ; and Chuck Datz, Dallas, along with Fr. Mike Geisler in St. Louis. Jack noted that Gloria and Dan Rooney made the NC game. Gar Isacco planned to take his sons and grandkids to the Navy game in Baltimore. Received a Go Irish from Ric Trentman in Murray UT. Late word from Joe Pete Wilbert that Hank Schlachter passed of cancer in Dallas on Oct. 15. Hank had a career in real estate. Be well and send news. — Tom Sullivan; 1090 Shore Road, Unit 14, Pocasset MA 02559; cell 773-454-4343; t66sullynd@gmail.com


66JD Working Walt

Walt Terry sent an information-filled email about 10 days before the deadline for this column. When you receive your copy of Notre Dame Magazine, you’ll know you have 10 days to two weeks to send me your data for inclusion in our class column in the next quarterly issue. Walt and Dee have four daughters and three grandchildren. He is still working full-time in his Oneonta NY law firm, doing estates, worker’s compensation, and real estate. In answer to the question “why?” he says he doesn’t have any hobbies, still enjoys practicing law, and has a great staff in their early 50s, who are lively and lots of fun. Walt’s favorite Dean O’Meara story comes from the first few days of classes during the Dean’s Introduction to The Law course. He assigned two old court cases for students to review and analyze. The following day, the dean questioned them on the difference between the cases. Tom Hull, who had not read the cases, was called upon for his analysis. Tom stated, “Dean, I fail to see the difference.” The dean replied, “Brilliant, Hull. There is no difference between the cases.” Well, Hurricane Ian dealt quite a blow to our Naples FL area. Etta and I live in an active senior living community. It was constructed to withstand a Cat 5 hurricane and 180 mph winds. We lost power, but the building generator kept things livable. At one point, we had three of our four children, spouses, two grandchildren, and two dogs living with us. Everyone was safe and uninjured, but our youngest son, Tim ’97, had significant water damage to his home and business. Hopefully, our classmates with properties in FL (Murphy, Seall, Harvey, McKenna) were not in the path of the storm. One last thing, Walt suggested that we consider a class reunion next fall. Any takers? Remember, we are not getting any younger. As always, no news, no column. — Scott Maxwell; 2781 Siena Lakes Circle, Unit 2444, Naples FL 34109; cell 215-920-0616; ndscotty@gmail.com


67 Our Captain

National Championship Team Captain Jim Lynch passed away July 21. Funeral services were held Friday, July 29, at Visitation Catholic Church in Kansas City MO. Bob Denvir and John Desmond attended the services. Jim is survived by his wife, Georgia, four children, and 12 grandchildren. Jim was one of the last sole captains of a Notre Dame football team, graduating with consensus All-America linebacker accolades and winning the Maxwell Trophy. He was captain of the East-West Shrine game and captain of the College All-Star game, a member of the Notre Dame 100-year team, 1992 Notre Dame man of the year, and the NCAA Silver Award winner. He was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1992. Jim was drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs, where he played for 11 years including as the starting linebacker on the 1970 Super Bowl Championship team. He was inducted into the Kansas City Chiefs Hall of Fame in 1990. Jim was a business partner of Dan Hogerty II, brother of our deceased classmate Dennis Hogerty. They spent 45 years together at the helm of D. Thomas, which provided a complete array of food packaging solutions for the food industry. Jim retired in 2019. Both he and Dan had homes in the DC Ranch area of Scottsdale AZ for several decades. Professionally, Jim was president of numerous organizations related to the baking industry and president of the Notre Dame National Monogram Club. Mike Tobin informed us that Mickey Gallivan passed away Aug. 22 in Salt Lake City after a determined battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife, Sharee, three children, and two grandchildren. Mickey started his career in television news in Salt Lake City and later in Honolulu. He was also a reporter for the Associated Press, a director of the Utah Travel Council, and headed the state’s Economic Development Department under Gov. Scott Matheson. Mickey was a tour de force in Utah advertising where he rose to principal, president, and CEO of Harris & Love. Mickey was awarded the Utah Advertising Federation Silver Medal, the group’s highest honor, for his service to the industry. Mickey was vice president of the Salt Lake City Olympic Bid Committee from 1998 to the successful award of the 2002 games. He served on the board of the Salt Lake City Tribune Publishing Company, advisory board of the U of Utah Business School, and the advisory council of the College of Arts and Letters at Notre Dame as well the Gallivan Program in Journalism, Ethics, and Democracy. Steve Cerow died July 28 in Rockville Centre NY and is survived by his wife, Trudy, and five children, three of whom attended Notre Dame: Rick ’03, Mary ’99, and Emily ’01. Bill Giles and Angelo Schiralli informed us that Tim Gorman passed away on Sept. 9 after open heart surgery. Joel Maturi and John Lium let us know that Allen Sack is recovering from a very serious bike accident, to the point where he was being fed by a tube. But recovery is underway. Pete Mavrelis, Joe Devlin, and Tim Creany attended Marine memorial services for Chip Malik on Nov. 10 and attended the Navy game in Baltimore following the services. Frank Nowak passed away July 28 in Portland OR from a lung condition with complications from Parkinson’s. Diego Tamayo wanted us to know that Frank is survived by his wife and daughter, and was a geologist. Tom Welsh wrote to inform us that Ed DaDura passed away on July 14. Ed grew up in Philadelphia and attended LaSalle College High School where he rowed for LaSalle and Malta Boat Club. He was one of the founding members of the Notre Dame Rowing Club. Like many of us, Ed entered the US Army in 1968. After being discharged in 1970 he worked for Mobile Corporation for 35 years. In retirement, Ed served as a part-time guide for our nation’s capital before moving to Naples FL. Ed is survived by one daughter and one son. His wife predeceased him. Tom Rowland writes from Illinois that he has retired after a 50-year career in wealth management in Chicago. Of his three married children, one is a Domer: Kristan ’97. Tom and his wife Barbara travel extensively, especially in Europe where he stayed with German friends who are housing Ukrainian refugees. Tom’s spare time is spent at their family farm in LaSalle County, which has been in the family since the 1800s. Bert R. Bondi; 1891 Curtis St., Unit 1502, Denver CO 80202; bertrbondi@gmail.com


67JD We Honor Them By Saying Their Names

We had our 55th Reunion on campus; it was a good time had by all, and we didn’t forget to “Say Their Names.” It was at the Grotto, candles were lit, and Dick Muench read the names: Murray Campbell, Gerry Culm, Chris Foley, Al Magnotta, Tom McDonough, Tom O’Shaughnessy, Art Swirtz, Pat O’Connor, Bill Albright, Mike Manzi. Greg Nasky, Lou Brenner, Gerry Sandweg, Joe Martori, Dave Holmes. The ND Glee Club led the classmates in singing our alma mater. Of course, we have to thank Jim Olson, our lead man, who did the hard work in running around and putting this reunion together. Jim wanted to thank Jim Mollison, Dick Muench, Steve Lamantia, and, from the University staff, Amanda McKee ’97SMC and Tammy Raster ’92JD. Oh, and I sat in my chair at home and collected the money. Of course, considering our average age, you would have to expect last-minute medical issues that caused several mates to change their plans and not attend. Jim Mollison’s wife, Germaine, had a health scare and was in the hospital for the week before the reunion. She only left the hospital the night of our dinner. The good news is that surgery was not required and she was successfully treated with medication. Lori and Dave Francescani attended a memorial on Friday for the recent death of his older brother, but they made the trip for the gathering on Saturday. We catalog our aches and pains but the loss of a brother puts things in perspective. Our sincere condolences go out to Dave and his family. Tom Farrell and Jim Heinhold had medical incidents at the last minute that canceled their plans to attend. However, attending and having had a great time were Bobby Barkley, Jerry Berthold, Frank Carey, Roseanne and Jim Harrington, Sara and Gary Kaup, Sean Keenan (and his two daughters and a grand ND undergrad), Roslyn and Steve Lamantia, Marylyn and Ken Lazarus, Mary and Tony Luber, Carol and Dick Muench, Nancy and Jim Olson, Mike Seng, and Lynn and Ted Sinars. Steve Lamantia, by the way, was awarded the Person of the Year award by the Buffalo (NY) ND club. Steve has been active in the club for many years and is a past president. Absent because of conflicting plans: Beth and Frank Verterano enjoyed their river cruise in France, especially the excursion to the American cemetery in Normandy. Frank, as a veteran, was selected to participate in a ceremony honoring the deceased from D-Day. Jane and John Hargrove, on the other hand, had a different experience on their 22-day cruise through Germany on the Rhine River. For this Southern California couple, the coldest winter they ever spent was summer in Germany. Snow actually canceled their excursion to Hitler’s mountain retreat in Berchtesgaden. But it only snowed for a day; the rest of their days it rained. They looked forward to the 30-mile stretch of the Rhine that is lined by more than 20 castles. As they approached on their Viking ship, the snow was history and the rain finally stopped; but a fog of biblical proportions rose up and obscured everything beyond the ship’s railing. John developed a crushing head cold; Jane came down with COVID; their traveling partners tested positive for COVID. Restrictions on the length of this column prevent me from telling you about their lost cell phones, a few rude locals, and flight cancellations on the way home, where John tested positive for COVID. — Jim Heinhold; 1200 Carmel Lane, New Bern NC 28562; res 252-638-5913; im4irish@aol.com


68 Suggestions for Reading

If you’ve been putting it off during the solitary months of coronavirus, the time is nearing for a shower, fresh haircut (if possible), deodorant, splash of Old Spice, and a hotel reservation for the 55th reunion of our class Thursday, June 1, till Sunday, June 4. Waiting for us will be a packed schedule of lectures, dinners, visits, lunches, dancing, and meaningful time with meaningful people. Fred Ferlic, at the head of Chris Murphy, Gene Cavanaugh, Steve Anderson, Pat Barth, Tom Cuggino, and other South Bend stalwarts, is making plans and letting the University know that the Class of 1968 is on the way. Bolstering the South Bend classmates are near-at-hand Chicagoans Class President Tom Weyer, Matt Walsh, Bryan Dunigan, and Tom Gibbs. Want to get involved in the plans? Dan Collins of Maryland, a mainstay of the Keenan Hall freshman pack, has raised his hand for exactly that. Volunteer with a note to Fred or let me know and I will forward your name. View our October email from classof1968@alumni.nd.edu for the full description—including photos—of run-up reunions that took place in California, Las Vegas, and, during late October, Alexandria VA. John O’Connor, Pete Farrell, Ken Howard, Bob Timm, and Paul Nowak, together with their wives, spent four October days north of San Francisco. As a sop to many white-haired classmates, John said the photos he provided were altered for removal of all the men’s hair coloring. John’s humorous note ranges over the 1968 diaspora: Richard Pivnicka’s memories of cold early morning Rowing Team practice on the St. Joseph River; Forrest Hainline’s short-lived retirement; and direction of Cal game friends to the Great ’68 tailgate. Here’s a sample: “the ladies Jan O’Connor, Barb Nowak, Shane Farrell, and Katie Timm regularly sped on seven mile beach walks, while (the guys) . . . perhaps a mile.” Nancy and Dennis Emanuel opened their Las Vegas home to classmates who hung around for a day after the BYU game. The Alexandria VA reunion Oct. 20–23 had mostly DC locals, about 20, spending time first at the home of Elise (Stephens) and Dennis Reeder, and then at an Annapolis dinner hosted by Sue and John Kamp, and Las Vegas game viewing at the DC home of Emily and Pat Collins. In late July, Dan Lungren and his children suffered the loss of Bobbi, days short of Dan and Bobbi’s 53rd anniversary. Dan’s son delivered a powerful eulogy of a mother who was full of loving faith and a solid partner in Dan’s political career. Rightfully, we honor the achievements of our athletes and support the work of classmates like Mike Carrol, who authored a Boston Globe exposé of Romanian orphans’ plight and immediately founded The Romanian Children’s Relief Fund, innocenti.ro. Our donations help Paul Ramsey and his partner Richard Coburn assist Mayan students in Mexico and families in India. But, and this is self-serving, the announcements of classmates’ novels and other books receive tepid notice: the novels of Dan Collins, Larry Maloney, Jim Knaus, and my own Hands Down; Pat Collins’ memoir Newsman; the Watergate analyses of John O’Connor; and so on. About the same cost as a sleeve of golf balls headed for a pond, and easy to find online (unlike the golf balls in the water). The books, good or bad, result from years of work. More than “congratulations” is in order. Buy, read, and, if appropriate, applaud; it comes with the Great ’68 territory. Enough said. Please send news and photographs to Tom Figel. Tom Figel; 455 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach CA 90802; 312-241-7917; tfigel@reputecture.com


68JD Class SecretaryDennis G. Collins;

2203 Derby Way, St. Louis MO 63131; bus 314-516-2648; dgc@greensfelder.com


69 Baseball, Football and Golf Mini-Reunions

July: David Coulter’s profile appeared on the College of Science’s website. Mary and Mike Ryan hosted 14 incoming frosh, which they’ve done for the Milwaukee ND Club since 2011. Bill Hurd’s 100-meter (10.2) and 200-meter (20.4) sprint times still stand on the JACC’s track records plaque. Bob Kuechenberg is a finalist for the 2023 NFL Hall of Fame class. Mike Brennan, Jim Burke, Mike Busby, Steve Hext, Peter McInerney, Ebby Moran, and Mike Satarino played in their 28th annual South Bend golf outing; Dave Heskin joined them. Jim Burke’s son, Spencer, ran into Dean Daigler in Sarasota FL. Kevin Reardon married Judy Kamienski in Park Ridge IL, with PJ Hosty, Mike Keane, Mike McDermott, and Ralph Williams attending. August: Chuck Metzger visited Steve Demeter in Manchester MA. Tom Flanagan ran into Tom Breen in Martha’s Vineyard. Bill Gunlocke (NYC) and John Moore (St. Paul MN) convened in South Bend. Mary and Mike Ryan and Anne and Dan Crossen ’59 took an ND Baltic Sea cruise. Tom Comerford, Mighc Hacker, Steve John, Kelley Macke, Jack Mahon, Brian Schmidlin, Bill Schweitzer, Ross Simpson, and Jack Wietoff ’70 attended Bob Search’s NJ memorial service. The fifth annual MKE-ORD Brewers game outing included Tom Breen, Mike Brennan, Jim Burke, Jack Coath, Tom Duda, Greg Ryder, John Hodel, PJ Hosty, Mike Keane, Louie Leone, Peter McInerney, Ebby Moran, Tom Nichol, Kevin Reardon, Rick Redmond, Bob Sacoff, Bill Wade, and Ralph Williams from Chicagoland, and John Berres, Tom DeChant, Steve Kavalauskas, Tom Ladky, Jim Lyons, Mike McCauley, Dan Merritt, Tom Shannon, Brian Schmidlin, and me from WI. September: Tony Alessandra (from LA) visited Tom Altmeyer in suburban DC. Tom Dechant turned 74, making him the “Class Baby.” I had breakfast with Mark Walsh in SB. Tom Altmeyer, Rick Demer (from NC), John Sturm, and Carolyn Schlipf Uanis ’69SMC supped in Tysons VA. Marshall Game: Sean Duerr, Jack Hannigan, and Jim Slattery played in the NDSA golf tournament; Herb Kaler and Dave Heskin played in different foursomes, and Dave sponsored the event’s dinner; Tom Feske, Len Moretti, and Tom Shannon met at the Monogram Club. Terry Fiorina saw Dan Merritt. October: John Wehrheim opened a two-month, US embassy-sponsored exhibition of his 1970s Taylor Camp photographs in Prague’s Stone Bell House Museum. Doug Brunlein, Hub Miller, Dan Saracino, Ken Sullivan, and Martha (Stephenson) ’69SMC and Mark Walsh attended a St. Joe HS (South Bend) mini-reunion. Jim Slattery and Bill Wade helped Jeral Rembush celebrate her 75th birthday in Chicago. BYU Game: Kelley Macke and Brian visited Bill Schweitzer in San Diego and drove to the game. Stanford Game: Bob Gibbons dined with Patty and Mike McCauley, Naomi Lovinger and Bill Wade, and me in Milwaukee before joining his family for the game. The 1966–67 Innsbruckers with guests gathered: Jim Bodary, Bill Elliot, Jim Gleason, Tim Gohmann, Bill Hennig, Fritz Keppler, Chuck Nelson, and Larry Rubly ’68. Fritz donated his 4,000-plus-page 1966–97 Innsbruck diary to the ND Archives. Dean Benner, Tom Breen, Dick Cimino, Delbert Hosemann, Louie Leone, Chuck Neumann, Tom Ryan, Greg Schatz, Richard Sullivan, Matt White, and Ralph Williams mini-reuned. In memoriam: Kevin O’Brien, Sept. 14 in Kirkland WA; Larry Mulcahy, Sept. 15 in West Springfield MA; Paul W. Johnson, Oct. 11 in Indianapolis; Sean Flynn ’02, son of Mary Ann (Sheern) ’69SMC and Errol Flynn, Aug. 28, Salt Lake City; Eleanor Lukosaitis, 100, mother-in-law of Don Jacobson, Sept. 1, Kenosha WI; Kevin O’Brien, Sept. 14, Kirkland WA; Janet Godersky Ingraffea, wife of Tony Ingraffea, Sept. 15, Sayre PA; Our sincerest condolence to their families and friends. Stay healthy, and God bless. — John Hickey; jphjr47@hotmail.com; notredameclassof1969blog.blogspot.com


69MBA Class SecretaryBob Dowdell;

31625 Coast Highway, Laguna Beach CA 92651; 714-381-6104; bobdowdell55@gmail.com


69JD Reunion in Ireland?

ND takes on the Midshippersons from Navy next year in Ireland. Dave Prior is leading a charge for a reunion in Dublin with an after-game gathering at Prior’s Pub with lobster rolls and the local brew “The Captain’s Daughter.” Dave recently spent a week in Ireland making arrangements and playing golf. If you have not been reading Dave’s newsletter, the “Dog Network News,” get in touch with Dave. He has not lost his touch for satire. Matt Dwyer reminded me that he talked the chief into holding a pep rally during his class. Matt also recalled sharing a room with George Burgett on Angela. Matt takes an annual trip to Ireland to play golf. Joe Kennedy and Joe (brush/no brush) Frantin joined me and George at my high school reunion before going to the Marshall “game.” George is retired and enjoys playing golf as much as possible. Hondo claims to have played every course in the Chicago area. George recalls that he told the chief that his golf game would improve if he stopped jogging while swinging his club. After the game, the two Joes and I had dinner with Tim McLaughlin. Puma finally retired and is enjoying life in bucolic northern Indiana with occasional trips to the casino in Mississippi. I also heard from Jim Leavy, who is also retired and enjoying it. I had lunch with George Ball and his brother, Pat, on his return trip from his mission work in Indonesia. George has been helping Indonesians for many years, most recently after storm damage to the coastal communities. Pat Cooney sent me a message on the passing of Scott Atwell. Pat and George were undergrad roommates as well as apartmentmates during our first year in Law School. Scott was also a groomsman in Pat’s wedding. Dan Hebert sent me a note recalling riding in Scott’s Volvo and eating “Atwell” sandwiches and the fried chicken Dan’s mother made for them for the drive back to campus, not to mention a trunk full of Coors beer. — Jim Starshak; 889 Kaohe Place, Honolulu HI 96825-1314; res 808-395-0443; cell 808-778-4033; starman@hawaii.rr.com