
37 Class SecretaryKathleen Coverick ’08;



38 Class Secretary Meg Julian ’03, ’06JD;

804 Jersey Ave., Spring Lake NJ 07762; 646-246-5480; megjulian@gmail.com


39 From the Archives

As time has marched on and news has been scarce, the online archive has been a wonderful resource. The following is a reprint of Joseph Hannan’s June 1971 ND Alumnus column and recounts a letter he received from Neal Cochran. Some themes remain true today. “Always look forward to your ’39 write-up and was glad to see you back in action after missing one issue. I would suppose that many ’39ers are like myself—like to read but hate to write. Can’t recall my most recent letter, years ago I’m sure. Have been living in Frederick MD since 1959 and working in Washington since 1961. Joined office of Coal Research, Department of the Interior, in June 1961 and still there. Oldest daughter, Barbara, is now a first year U of Maryland Medical School student. Second daughter is a sophomore at Drew, Madison, NJ. Youngest daughter, Marion, will start high school next fall. Ralph Walter and Ron Lipps ’60, I think, are the only ND men I see around town. Ralph was chairman of our parish council this past year. Encounter members of our class from time to time, not often enough, 1 might say. Saw Dave Meskill at O’Hare about a year ago and ran into Pat Gorman in D.C. five or six weeks back. Didn’t make the ’69 reunion, because my wife was sick, but will be there in ’74. My job now takes me to many universities and I’m a member of the Chemical Engineering Visiting Committee at two others. The picture is the same at all of those I visit. Values that I was taught to believe in are a thing of the past as far as our muddle-headed academicians are concerned. Your contributions from engineering grads seem small—chide them. . . Yours is a worthy but thankless job—accept my thanks for your column.” Neal passed away in April 1997 and Joseph in September 1998. We’d be happy to hear from anyone, particularly children or grandchildren of members of this class with memories to report. What was your ’39 class member’s favorite ND story? — Seth O’Donnell ’04; 17 Marion St., East Greenwich RI 02818, 603-828-7335; seth.odonnell@gmail.com