What Are They Thinking? Summer 2023

What Are They Thinking? cover

Lang Banner

What’s So Great About College?

by James M. Lang ’91

As skeptics increasingly question the value of higher education, it’s a good idea to reassess the payoffs and point of advanced learning in our shifting society.

Roden Banner

iAge of Anxiety

by Renee Roden ’14, ’18M.T.S. 

A look at Notre Dame’s Gen Z, their world, their future, their mental health

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The Personal Essay

In which Gen Z students reveal what’s on their minds

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What Works for Me

by Sarah Cahalan ’14 

A new generation of employees is looking for more than business as usual.

Class Of 73 Banner

The Class of ’73 Revisited, Again

by Jason Kelly ’95

It’s been 50 years since these graduates spoke for their generation in this magazine. They offered updates 20 years out. Now they look back over seven decades of living.

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Start Small

by John Nagy ’00M.A. 

At Bethany Land Institute in Uganda, farmers-in-formation cultivate a vision of creation care and financial independence rooted in their African heritage and Laudato Si’.