
50 Enviable Style and Fashionable Taste

Joseph L. Sterett passed away at (age 95) on Oct. 27, 2022, in FL. Upon graduating from high school, he joined the US Navy, starting ND after World War II. Joe held the Bengal Bouts boxing championship title while he was a student. He built a career with Merrill Lynch (while living in Harrington Park NJ) until 1993; he retired to Pinehurst NC. His family reported that he was “an avid golfer and spent his early golden years on the golf course. [Joe] was a devoted fan of his beloved alma mater and loved sharing stories of his days in college with his ever-present witty humor.” He is survived by his wife of 69 years, Marilyn, three children and five grandchildren. Dudley D. Birder, 95, died on Nov. 26, 2022, in WI. Like Joseph, he also served his country in the US Navy during World War II before beginning college. Following his 1950 graduation from ND, Dudley became a “Double Domer” when he earned a Master of Music degree (1952). He later pursued a doctorate at U of Minnesota and UCLA. His family provided details of his career online: “Dudley commenced his teaching career in 1954 at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, Canada. In 1958 he accepted a teaching position at St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin. During his career at St. Norbert College, he founded The Chamber Singers, The Swinging Knights, Madrigal Dinners, Music Theatre, and the Collegiate Chorale, which was renamed the Dudley Birder Chorale in 1999. He also had the distinct honor of being a repeat guest conductor at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Many honors were bestowed upon him in recognition of his dedication and service, not the least of which was the dedication of The Dudley Birder Hall in 2013 at St. Norbert College.” Also from his family: “Dudley’s talent and work ethic set him apart. Independent, spirited, complex and confident, his passion for life and music created indelible memories for many who knew and worked with him. Work was less like work and more like fun. He lived music as naturally as breathing and continued to work, learn and perform, all of which were vital to him.” Dudley’s wife, Mary, preceded him in death in 2008. He is survived by six children, 13 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Hugh E. Mulligan Jr. passed away in IL on April 20 at age 95. The Chicago Tribune reported that “Hugh was known for his enviable style and fashionable taste. He grew up visiting Fox Lake, and later in life his cottage in Sawyer, MI, where he was able to spend endless hours on the beach which he loved so much. Hugh enjoyed family gatherings, worshiping at St. Francis, skiing in Vail, Notre Dame Football weekends, winters in Hutchinson Island, FL, and riding in convertibles with the top down. Hugh had a great sense of humor and enjoyed many social groups.” Hugh was married to his wife, Pat, for 66 years and is survived by three children, seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. If you would like to share news about the Class or stories from your time at ND, please let me know. Jim Coogan ’91; 4 Gile Drive Unit 2A, Hanover NH 03755; jcooganv@alumni.nd.edu


51 Remembering Johnny

We lost an illustrious player from our time at ND: Johnny Lujack ’48. Remembered as a great quarterback, he also played tough defense and is one of our seven Heisman winners. Bob Clemency, Dick Garrity and I are survivors of the “TEBAPS,” the Thursday Evening Beer and Poker Society. After our 1956 Reunion, we decided five years was too long to wait, so we started a monthly get-together. The charter was drawn up by Joe Rigali (RIP 12 years ago), whose dad had a similar gang in the Rockne era. It worked well for a long time, but we are down to three survivors. We went from 9:30 evening meetings, to pizza dinners, then to lunches as the group aged. Unless someone has some news by next quarter, this is our swan song. Hope you are all well and thankful. Thanks. — Jim Jennings; jmj4703@gmail.com


52 Discipline, Driving, Determination

Bill Riley was on the national football team of ’49. Bill is very proud of his Notre Dame education and proudly showed this by putting ND on his license plate. Actually, it read Coach ND. He was a longtime football and basketball coach in Ottumwa IA. Bill lived in Farley Hall. Father Hesburgh was his rector. Bill and his two roommates were Army veterans. It seems they all decided to go downtown for a beer on St. Patrick’s Day. Bill caught the last bus back to the dorms, but his two roommates missed it. As they were walking back Father Hesburgh and Father “Black Mac,” Rev. Charles I. McCarragher, CSC, caught them and told them to report to him the next day, because they had missed curfew. The doors were locked at 11. Bill remembers letting them in through the window of the first floor of Farley. The guys feared they would be kicked out of school, but their punishment was to attend Mass every day for the rest of the year. Whether the penance was followed through with is left to question. He remembers the names Jerry Ledwidge and Tom Kolidin (?).Chuck Linsenmeyer writes that his mother suggested that during the Korean conflict he join the US Coast Guard. With the aid of the GI Bill he attended the U of Michigan, receiving his MD in 1959. During his internship and residency, he married his love, Virginia (Ginny). That union produced 12 children, 18 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. He spent his entire career as an orthopedic surgeon at St. Charles Hospital in St. Charles MO. That hospital was originally built in 1892. Everything is new now. Tony Messina stopped driving after 80 years. He started at 13, delivered groceries in an International pickup at 16 and drove his mom to NY from CA for his dad’s new job. Then he could not get a driver’s permit because you had to be 18 in NY. In 1952 he drove from ND to Buffalo for a wedding, then to LA via St. Louis and Phoenix. In 1954 he drove to Akron to be married, and then back to CA via WI, MN, the Dakotas, WY, UT and NV. But we can all rest easy now, as Tony has been curbed. Chuck Dooley served on the DD-775 after graduation. Tom Craig and Justin Bolger were on sister Destroyers. Chuck then transferred to flight training and then was stationed at Norfolk. After his discharge from the Navy, he entered medical school. He retired from full-time practice in 2002 and part-time in 2022. Chuck still has a part-time job as an instructor for FlightSafety International at Teterboro NJ. He plans to attend our next reunion in 2027. Rudy Unger was a reporter for the Chicago Tribune for decades. He has written five books, including My Country ’Tis of Thee and Counter-Reformation. He now lives in a greenery-surrounded town home in Tinley Park IL enjoying the blessings of old age. Leaving Notre Dame, Jim Shapiro joined IBM when the only competition was pencils. Moving to Xerox, he was in charge of Southeast Asia, and built a major installation in China. This required negotiating skills, which he later perfected at a Harvard program. Those skills landed him on the board of the Rochester Institute of Technology. Meanwhile, he and Nancy raised four kids, all with master’s degrees. Not bad from a determined kid from Chicago. — George Heidkamp, 9308 Linden Reserve Drive, Prairie Village KS 66207; 913-206-4128; georgeaj@rcn.com


53 Remembering Tom and Jerry

From ’52-’53 through ’22-’23: for almost three quarters of a century, our Class has enjoyed the leadership of our forever class secretary, Jerry Mulvihill, and freshman class president Tom Reedy. This year we lost both. One cannot say enough about what they meant to the cohesive bond of the Class of ’53. Many have contributed praise and prayerful notes, but I think the most eloquent was forwarded from “Tex” McMonagle by son Robert. I include that note below. It says what we know, but best conveys the love, appreciation and challenge to and for the Class and Notre Dame: “Goodbye to two long-serving and dedicated members of the Class of ’53. Last November, we lost Jerry Mulvihill, our longtime class secretary, and in late July, we lost our class president, Tom Reedy. While they both did many, many things for us over the years, Jerry is probably best known for keeping us connected through the quarterly Class Notes, and Tom through his sponsorship of the annual Chicago lunches. Those willing and able may wish to donate in their memories to their chosen causes. Jerry was a faithful supporter of the Class of ’53 Mass-a-Day Fund. The fund is maintained by the Holy Cross Mission Center, and its proceeds are distributed to the Holy Cross communities in East Africa and Bangladesh. Both of those missions offer a Mass each day for the members of the Class of ’53 and their families, and in return, they both receive a stipend of $15 per day. When there are extra proceeds from the fund, they are made available to the Province of East Africa for various ministry projects and/or scholarship funds for students from poor families to attend a Holy Cross school in Uganda or Kenya. Gifts to the Class of ’53 Mass-a-Day Fund should be made payable to Holy Cross Mission Center, and should be mailed to P.O. Box 543, Notre Dame, IN 46556-0543. Please note on the memo line of the check it is for the Class of ’53 Mass Fund / Jerry Mulvihill, and it will be credited to the Class of ’53 fund. There is an online giving option at give.holycrossusa.org. Tom was a longtime supporter of Misericordia Home, a residential community in Chicago for persons with mild to profound developmental disabilities, many of whom are also physically challenged. Under the leadership of Sr. Rosemary Connelly, RSM, the 2023 recipient of Notre Dame’s Laetare Medal, Misericordia has changed the lives of thousands of residents and their families. Donations in Tom’s memory can be made payable to Misericordia, and should be mailed to 6300 North Ridge Ave., Chicago, IL 60660. Please note on the memo line of the check it is in memory of Tom Reedy. Misericordia also has an online donation option, and that can be found on its website at misericordia.com. Let us all remember to keep Jerry, Tom and the rest of our classmates, living and deceased, in our daily thoughts and prayers. Go Irish!” Tex McMonagle and Julia and Stan Stasch attended the funeral for Tom in Northfield IL and report that also attending were Sherri and Tom Morsch, Marty Wehner, Bernie Hestor, Bob Lee and Bob McKenna. It was very crowded, as might be expected. Tom Reedy clearly was most responsible for keeping the ND Class of ’53 in touch with one another. — Bill Berry, wberry@nd.edu


53JD Class Secretary Bob Berry;

5806 Spaulding St., Omaha NE 68104; 402-457-4142; yokeemup@aol.com


54 Happy Holidays

It is that time of year again. A time for family and friends. Before typing the column, I thought back many years to Thanksgivings where the whole family was gathered. There was always a problem. We seemed to enjoy the preliminaries, forgetting about dinner. But several years later Anne and I left plenty of room for the turkey dinner. Next is Christmas and a joyous day. Now the grandchildren are older so a check is more appreciated. But with a great-grandson, just short of two years, what to do? Now comes New Year’s Eve and party time. If you are like me, you’ll be in bed just before midnight. On the family front the news concerns Alexander. At 4 he was adopted from an orphanage in Siberia. Entered into a pre-K program, he adapted well. One night Peter called Anne with news. He was giving Alexander a bath when Alexander stood up and sang “God Bless America” pretty much in tune and with almost all the words. A shock. Alexander took the NJ police exam scoring in the top 11. He has had his orientation with four more sessions to go including the academy. Then will be an officer in Fort Lee NJ. If he had not been adopted, he would have been in the Russian army fighting in Ukraine. In personal news, I have two items. My book writing has slowed down. I write when the mood strikes. But the last page is done. It reads as follows. One word of advice. You can have all the money in the world, precious items and a bulging portfolio, but be poor. You’ve lost your family. Be sure to give them a hug, a kiss and tell them you love them. It may be your last chance. God bless. The other bit of news. God called Anne home just over four years ago and I got lonesome. The search for a female companion was frustrating. The five who attracted me had two flaws. They were too young and married. I ended up on dating sites. The computer appeared to be open to Eastern Europe, the Ukraine. Did I leave it there or did God say look here? I did, and one smile brought me back three times. But with the fourth I smiled, saying in a post, a great smile. I smiled back. Wow — a reply, and the fuse of romance was lit. Over three years, it has gotten serious. After the war, who knows. The following classmates were called home: Bernard J. Randah, William J. Offutt, Joseph M. Zangerie, Francois Pingor, Joseph P. Joyce, Timothy P. O’Hara, James H. Harrington, Rev. David Bartell, CSC, and Anthony Mandolini. Please remember them and their families in your prayers. May this holiday season bring you many blessings. God bless. — Jack Mertens; 550 Wilmette Ave., Ormond Beach FL 32174; 845-216-7251; jacknd54@gmail.com

55 That’s One for the Gipper

Notre Dame 48, Southern California 20. Bill Rodgers used to complain about how the basketball court in the Rock closed too early. Now his son, Martin, helps run Notre Dame as a member of its Board of Trustees. I was an usher in Bill’s wedding party when he married his lovely wife, Charlotte, during graduation week. Bill and I started out in Zahm Hall hiding from Black Mac. We were joined by hall luminaries Jim Shearer (junior class president), Bob Arrix (Coach Leahy’s best kicker) and Swede Metress (who used St. Joe Lake to graphically show us how the Marines waded ashore in the South Pacific). Bill went to medical school at Temple and spent his whole career practicing family medicine in the Philadelphia area and also doing some teaching of resident physicians at his hospital. Prior to his death, he received a state-wide award for his long career in medicine. Ed Kelly spent time as an officer in the Navy and then graduated from the law school at the U of Wisconsin. He still goes into his office one day a week. He showed a lot of spunk by once running unsuccessfully for the US House of Representatives. He is too much of a Democrat for IN. My wife, Jo, and I see him from time to time at his farm, which I have labeled Prairie Tara. It is even better than the one that went with the wind. I got a call from Bill Peck in Kingwood TX. Bill is a chemical engineer and, after spending a short time flying jet fighter aircraft in the Air Force, he worked for DuPont for 37 years. I received a note from Jack Flynn with a number of classmates mentioned in it. Jack said that he and his wife have lunch twice a year with Dick Burke and Jerry Prassas and their wives, that Mike Kelly and Jack have Christmas lunches with Dick Cook, Jack Pinter, Jerry Prassas, Jerry Hilleman and Mrs. Joe Kearney, that Howie Hart had a birthday party with 90 candles on his cake and 60 guests, that he (Jack) sees Jim Ehret from time to time, and that Sue and Dick Beeman are living in Holy Cross Village, which is right across from Notre Dame. Jim Hesburgh lives there as well. I received a note from Splinter’s widow, Sandra Fuller. She put her seven iron aside long enough to hurry back to Chicago to meet Sophie, her eighth great-grandchild who was born on the Fourth of July. She also met, for the first time, their seventh great-grandchild, Penelope Ann. The following classmates have gone to be with Our Lady of the Dome. May they rest in peace: Bob Navarre, who was predeceased by Barbara, his wife of 65 years, and is survived by three children. Frank Lundy, who was predeceased by Carolyn, his wife of 63 years, and is survived by two children. Jim Bigelow, who was predeceased by Maureen, his wife of 59 years, and is survived by two children. Introibo ad altare dei. — John Connaughton; 1516 Marquette Blvd., South Bend IN 46628; 574-289-1445; jcithaca37@yaho.com


56 Class Secretary Ed Cosgrove;

525 Delaware Ave., Buffalo NY 14202; bus 716-854-2211; eccosgrove@cosgrovelawfirm.com


56JD Class SecretaryLauren Starkey ’08;

703-927-2089; lksharkey@gmail.com


57 Rest in Peace, John

We are sad to share that John A. Slevin, class secretary for the class of 1957, passed away on Nov. 1 surrounded by members of his loving family at his home in Peoria IL. He is survived in death by his beloved wife Mary (Hurst) Slevin of 66 years. If you have an interest in serving as the class secretary, please contact Eleanor Hanson at ehanson3@nd.edu. — Send condolences to Mary Slevin, 6123 N. Mandalay Dr., Peoria, IL 61614.


58 Class SecretaryArthur L. Roule Jr.;

114 Sagamore Parkway, La Porte IN 46350; alroule@yahoo.com


58JD Class SecretaryJohn F. Murray;

2036 Cheltenham Court, Woodbridge VA 22192; 703-494-2482; johnandnell66@gmail.com


59 A Cheer for Fisher

Planning is underway for our 65th class reunion (May 30-June 2, 2024). Bob Burns (St. Petersburg FL), Ed Mezzapelle (Nashua NH), Joe Mulligan and I have been working with the ND Alumni staff to plan a most memorable weekend, with special attention given to “mobility issues” of classmates and wives, and convenient access to events, campus locations and meals. This includes numerous vans and golf carts! And, a hospitality suite on Friday and Saturday afternoons and evenings. Steve Dornbach (Edina MN) noticed that Ron Parker, a member of Coach Alex Wilson’s track team and a five-year architecture student, was missing from our interesting list of ND monogram winners. Dr. Joe DeLuca (Longwood FL) has written five children’s books with his latest, Flowers Have Feelings Too (available online). Please give us those few precious minutes on Saturday mornings between six a.m. and noon (or, if that time is impractical, whenever you can) to participate in the Class of ’59 virtual Rosary. Hopefully, every ND class will eventually participate. The University’s recent announcement of the decommissioning and demolition of both Pangborn Hall (1957) and Fisher Hall (1952), with two new residence halls to be constructed on those two sites, is bringing back “a flood of memories” for, and about, numerous classmates and friends who lived there. Recently, we were able to list the classmates who lived in Pangborn during our junior year. Now, a big ND cheer to these men who lived in Fisher Hall, as seniors, in 1958-59: Dick Abrams (126), Dr. John Ambre (143), Bill Anderson (302), John Bacus (325), Pete Barnes (232), Joe Battle (210), Bill Bault (103), Joe Bekelja (228), Dave Berg (201), Gene Bertoncini (320), Bob Bieschke (5), Timm Bodensteiner (111), Gene Boyle (203), Tony Bruno (227), Ray Buxton (129), Mike Byrne (207), Alex Cameron, Ph.D. (237), Charlie Caravati (3), John Casey (101), Don Cerini (205), Martin Clynes (223), Clarence Colbert (214), Mike Conlon (4), Bruce Connelly (134), Dr. Phil Connors (202), John Cortesio (229), Dr. Joe DeLuca (107), Bob Dempsey (211), Dick Donaldson (222), Steve Dragos (303), Gene Duffy (324), Jerry Farley (2), John David Farrell, MD (117), Fr. Tom Feltz (218), Richard Giannini (3), Bob Giarratano, MD (143), Jose Gomez (314), Henry Gray (209), John Harron (141), John Hart (139), Bob Hassenger, Ph.D. (221), James F. Hayes (217), James W. Hayes (123), Jim Heavey (5), Larry Hendrick (217), Pat Kane (309), Chuck Kappert (220), Mort Keilty (127), Dave Kelsey (330), Lee Keyser (201), Fred Kleiderer (240), George Kline, MD (235), Dr. Ken Kraemer (310), Chuck Krell (124), Dr. Bob Kribel (142), Tom Lalley (112), Neal Lamping (1), Bill Leininger (204), Judge Bob Lensing (328), John Mackin (132), Ed Malone (136), Karl Mangold, MD (1), Joe Marrone, Ph.D. (141), Bill McAdam (239), George McAndrews (215), Jim Merz, Ph.D. (102), Ed Mezzapelle (125), Don Moll (312), Bob Molumby (313), Frank Moosbrugger (140), Mike Motter (307), Fred Mowle, Ph.D. (236), Jim Mullen (238), Klaus Muller-Bergh (110), Edward D. (Ed) Murphy (102), Dan Muth (102), Frank Nacozy (2), Bronko Nagurski (122), Tom Nolan (216), Chuck Noll (113), Lou Noto (213), John Panter (109), Ron Parker (226), Tom Pezzuti (318), Bob Pieslak (130), Steve Pietrowicz (120), Jim Piowaty (212), Ed Plumly (131), Alan Reed (219), Richard Robertson (135), John Rozzi (316), Dick Royer (425), Joe Ryan, Ph.D. (4), Bill Sackinger, Ph.D. (241), Jim Schaaf (225), Bob Schaeffer (133), Bob Schoeneman (308), David Schwartz (230), Neil Seaman (121), Fred Sellers (101), Jon Siddle (118), Harold Siegel (106), Bob Sienko (137), Bill Toussaint (116), Dr. Phil Vella (114), Dr. August Verhoff (242), Vince Voci (108), Bill Whaley (119), Ray Whelahan (104) and John Wolf (101). — Bob Brennan; 855 Clubhouse Drive, Ballwin MO; 314-807-1011; bobbrennan76@gmail.com