
20 Class SecretaryGabby Meridien;



20MBA Staying Busy

The MBA Class of 2020 has been up to big things! In May, John Chao was promoted to director of federal customer solutions at C3 AI. He and his family are in the process of moving to a new home in VA. Morgan and Kyle Devlin welcomed a son, Hudson Matthew Devlin. Hudson was also welcomed by his 3-year-old sister, Payten. Jacob Mazurek is in the midst of a significant career shift. He has left his job with the US Army and he and his family (cat included!) are in the process of moving to Bulgaria. There, Jacob will finish writing his book, and he already has plans for a second one. He will also be working as a professional painter. However, he is leaving a bit of his work stateside: six of his paintings featuring the beautiful Notre Dame campus are on loan to the Stayer Center for the next few years. Do you have any updates? — Audrey Walker; awalke10@alumni.nd.edu


20JD Lawyers in Love 

I am honored to take over responsibilities as our class secretary and provide quarterly updates about our amazing class. I am equally as excited to announce that: 1) I married the love of my life, Andrew Eckert ’15, at the University on March 12, 2022 (of course, with many of our NDLS classmates dominating the dance floor) and 2) in January 2023, I returned to the University as investment legal counsel in the University’s Investment Office. These past few years have been full of lawyerly love with lots of our classmates tying the knot! Congrats to newlyweds: Lindsay (O’Tousa) and Blake Bars (May 21, 2022); Hannah (McCausland) and Chris Gerace (Sept. 2, 2022); Dominque (Fry) and John Casey ’21JD (Nov. 11, 2022); Hanna (Torline) and Tim Bradley (Nov. 19, 2022). Our Class accomplishments did not stop at the wedding altar, however, as there are many career-based accomplishments to celebrate as well. Megan Luptowski was recently hired as the youngest associate city attorney for the city of Grand Rapids MI. Megan is building off her success as an intern in the office during her law school days. Henry Leaman has continued his fantastic work as Notre Dame mock trial coach and was recently awarded the 2022 Drew Hasse Memorial Award for his outstanding dedication to the Notre Dame Mock Trial Association, an award honoring the life of Drew Ryan Hasse ’06, ’09JD. Alex Kurrie has been busy serving as New York County assistant district attorney, building on his prosecutorial experience in Wayne County MI. Grace Nickels recently joined the IDEX Corporation as labor and employment counsel, and Mallory Reader recently joined Foster Swift Collins & Smith’s municipal practice group in Grand Rapids MI. Lenora Popken has joined me back on campus, as the University’s Exoneration Justice Clinic’s legal fellow, the successor to the Wrongful Conviction Clinic (which she was actively involved with during her time at NDLS). Andrew Ferry is hard at work at Sullivan & Cromwell (while, of course, deeply saddened that I deserted him to come back to our University) and recently finished a prestigious secondment at Major League Baseball. This year, Polly Tran joined Shook, Hardy and Bacon in the Orange County CA office as a litigation associate in their product liability’s group—joining fellow classmates EJ Odigwe, Yara Rashad and Hannah Sanchez, who are also successful associates at the firm in various offices. Please continue to provide any/all life updates to me so that I can share them with our whole Class. Please let me know if you are ever back on campus! Praying for and thinking of you all, always. In Notre Dame, Go Irish! — Elizabeth (Lombard) Eckert ’15, ’19MBA, ’20JD; 2011 Coventry Trail, South Bend IN 46637; 708-334-0213; elombard@nd.edu


21 Keeping Busy 

Hey there, Irish! I hope everyone had a great summer and is enjoying the beginning of football season! Lots of fun updates from many of our classmates, so let’s get to it! Colleen O’Leary officially became a Double Domer! She graduated from the ACE program this summer, and will be moving to DC in August and will be teaching algebra at Stone Ridge in Bethesda MD. Alexa Longstaff will be attending the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law this fall semester as a member of the Class of 2026. Autumn Stevens will be attending medical school at the Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine in Dothan AL this fall. Jill Ruane recently completed her Fulbright year as an English Teaching Assistant in Germany. Upon returning to the US, she began her active duty service in the Air Force and began pilot training. Brittany Cahill just moved to Santa Rosa CA and started a job as a control engineer at Loring Smart Roast. Lily Polster and Zach Pearson got married on July 1. Amanda Jarosik will be starting medical school at UIC in the fall. Jake Plocher got engaged in Paris and is closing on his first house later this week. Reghan Ward and Michael O’Rear ’20 are now engaged. Alexandra Lee and Ethan Ching got engaged at Shenandoah National Park in June. Vanessa Shawntee Davis was accepted into A.T. Still U in Kirksville MO and started her medical school class in July as well. Congrats, all, on some amazing life accomplishments and milestones! As always, for those of you reading along, don’t be shy! When we send out our quarterly emails asking for updates, let us know what you’ve been up to. Or, if you’re too eager to wait for that, you can DM us 24/7 on Instagram @class21nd. We look forward to hearing from you and go Irish! — Ryan Mullin; rmullin77@gmail.com


21JD Class SecretaryGraham Pilotte;
