Doing Good Spring 2021


Goodness Gracious

by Michael N. McGregor

After a year of stress and strain, disturbing events and bad news, here are some stories that positively offer reasons for hope and gratitude. 

A Year on Campus under COVID

by Matt Cashore ’94 and Barbara Johnston

The two University photographers document a historic year on campus as Notre Dame adapts to a global pandemic.       

Out of the Dark

by Mark Phillips

Lost in the woods deep into night, he knelt on soggy leaves and made himself recall a short, cherished explanation of joy given him by a student who had once fled for his life in Liberia.

When the Death Penalty Got Personal

by Sylvester J. Schieber ’72M.A., ’74Ph.D.

The murder of Syl and Vicki Schieber’s daughter by a serial rapist took them to the crossroads of retribution and forgiveness, the law and Church teaching.

Father Pete

by Sarah Cahalan ’14

The spirited, energetic, people-loving, gregarious Holy Cross priest has become a campus favorite — by being himself.

An Unbroken Grace

by Fred Bahnson

Barry Lopez ’66, ’68M.A. was internationally acclaimed as one of the foremost nature writers of our time, but his vision encompassed all of humanity and the planet he knew as a sacred home.